Armageddon & end of World religions

by Moomin 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Personally, I believe along the lines of tremendous turbulent times, then suddenly the world will be watching CNN as the Second Coming happens and will simultaneously say to themselves "WTF"?????

  • Moomin

    So if you believed in the bible then that scripture wouldn't apply to those people then? I guess it takes away its meaning a bit as it should say, "at a time you don't believe it to come (except for certain religions who are waiting for it), it will come"

  • Borgia


    From a cynical point of view: death is upon us all. We never know whether we will be alive tomorrow, next week, next year. time and coincidence......So, yes, in a manner of speaking the end will come when least expected?



  • observer
    end of World religions

    I think new Scarlet Coloured Beast has been identified. This time it really makes sense.

    "From my point of view I would ban religion completely, even though there are some wonderful things about it. ",,1942193,00.html

  • Moomin

    What I mean is, there will always be people expecting the end, therefore that scripture can't be true.

  • Borgia

    Well, from another point of view....He was addressing his disciples,was he not. Acoording to the record at hand, they kept on expecting. It never, in a sense it is true.....



  • jgnat
    jgnat a TIME you do not expect....

    So, yes, there are people hoping for end-times tomorrow every day. I expect a few on the Las Vegas strip, for sure. Does that make the scripure untrue? I don't think so.

  • Abandoned

    This may be a little off topic, and if it is, I'm sorry, but something hit me the other day when I was reading about the new "120 years" light. The wt article talked about the scripture where God says to Noah that man has only 120 years left. Then, the article went to suggest that this happened in 1914. My problem with this is that in Noah's case, God said, the end comes in 120 years. Nothing confusing, no new light - he just said it. Now, over ninety years later, we're told that this happened in 1914. Why did it take this long for the message to be delivered? What happened? Were the f&ds confused by the original 120 year message and it took them this long to translate it? Or, rather, are they simply, once again twisting the scriptures to buy them enough time to live lives of shameless luxury at the expense of their mislead and indoctrinated laymen?

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hello hun,

    I was just wondering that in the Bible it states that at a time that you do not expect is the time that the end will come.

    I think the time is unexpected because it is in a WAY that is unexpected, (armaggedon that is) And it will be happening and people will not realize it's armaggedon, because Arm. is not at all what people think it is. It's simply Jesus (the lamb) battling the evil in the government. The bible doesn't say it's mountains of dead people.. at all in connection with this battle. The account is in Rev. 16 and 17.

    So the time is unexpected because it will be in the PAST before most realize that it's happened. As I believe that when Jesus is battling the governments he will be like a thief in the night, (not announcing he is the Christ), as a thief would not announce his identity.

  • Jake99

    Star Moore is pretty close to understanding about the battle between the Messiah and the Government that you do not see or understand until it is many years in progress. Cardinal Law and the Catholic church were also involved in the battle with Christ which took place in 5 courts and numerous churches around Boston Massachusetts. Just as Jesus walked the gauntlet and was crucified so must the Messiah walk the same path of desent and walk away unscathed. The ways of the Savior are strange but the thousands of works are miraculous, bold, highly intelligent, extremely talented and courageous in every way. The world must unite under a simple system that does not include religion or the ways of mans governments. The events and court appearances between 1998 and 2001 of a man eluding to being the Messiah and being put on trail as the Christ should be of interest to you since I am that man and I have been demonstrating amazing abilities for many decades. I am the super gifted one that knows the Truth and the Way. My mission is to resolve all the problems that man has been unable to solve and put this planet on a direct course to everlasting peace and prosperity. I have many decades of training, experience and accomplishments in the art of leadership and problem solving and I have never failed to accomplish what I said I could no matter how outrageous it may have seemed when given the chance to prove myself. I have worked as a production manager for ITT, Continental baking, Ralston Purina and Interstate bakeries owners of Wonder Bread and Hostess cake and I made more of a difference in improvements, safety, quality, morale and efficiency than all other managers in that comapny of 30,000 combined. I am here to stop pollution, increase productivity, properly manage and clean up the environment, eliminate poverty, stop wars, organize the work force, standardize banking, wages and prices, recycle waste and provide a system of basic needs guarantees for those who are unable to support themself. I use the basic philosophy of Jesus or at least the part of it which is understandable and makes sense to me regardless of who wrote it down on paper or came up with the ideas. The question remains as it did with Jesus: Was he a madman, a liar, a lunatic or the Christ? Only the Messiah could do what I have done which is why I proved who I am before telling anyone that I am the Christ. The following link is just the legal conclusion and assuptions made by the prosecution after the second jury trial.¤t=scan3.jpg&slideshow=paused&interval=3

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