Please welcome my friend chaiyah

by unclebruce 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    G'day chaiyah,

    Welcome to JWD

    This place needs your broom of truth to sweep through it like there's no tommorrow!

    happy posting sweetheart


  • ozziepost

    Come on, unc, tell us more!

  • unclebruce

    Take it easy ozzie,

    We met on JWO is all. Chaiyah is a mature w0man with strong views and much to say about religion and the state of the world we live in. I believe she hosts a twice weekly radio show in that big wet state where thirdson lives (Minnesota).

    unromantic unc

    ps: mind how ya go, the woman's one badass brother kickin' nighmare of a christian

  • Mary
    uncie bruce said: We met on JWO is all. Chaiyah is a mature w0man with strong views and much to say about religion and the state of the world we live in. I believe she hosts a twice weekly radio show in that big wet state where thirdson lives (Minnesota). ps: mind how ya go, the woman's one badass brother kickin' nighmare of a christian

    Hmmm.....remind you of someone else you know?

    Welcome Chaiyah!!

  • misanthropic

    If I'm not mistaken is this the same Chaiyah you were just saying you are really "sweet on" UncleBruce?
    Welcome Chaiyah!

  • Legolas
  • crazyblondeb
  • unclebruce
    "do you have a bunch of fans?"

    My producer refuses to tell me what my stats are, so I simply go my own way and speak my own truth, and we'll see who shows up. Monday-Thurs 8pm.

    The call-in line is 559 732 5005

    Have at it.


    Hi triton,

    I can't find a working link to the radio show Chaiyah links above but I presumed it was named after one Senator Paul Wellstone (fast Paul):


    Shaddap Mary ... I don't find Christians a turn on - it's just a vicous rumour!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Welcome chaiyah!!

  • penny2

    A friend of unclebruce is a friend of ours! Welcome chaiyah!


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