Is the WBT$ Destroying our Enviroment?

by OUTLAW 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I know of JWs who think that is how it will be in the Paradise, that they will be going to the meetings using horses and buggies.

    If JWs didn't waste their gas going to meetings and out in the d2d, they would be using their gas going shopping, to movies, to sporting events, etc. I don't see where any gas would be saved. It would just be used in more fun activities.



    Blondie..You are one of the brightest minds on the board..I love having you here..Still,you know me,I have to make my point..Yes,the Enviromental damage is gnat compared to the Human carnage they have inflicted on the members of thier own religion the "Jehovah`s Witness`s"..But that is not the focus of this thread..Also true,that if Jehovah`s Witness`s did not waste gas going from door to door and used it for better activities the fuel consumption would be the same..But they don`t..No matter how you look at it,there is destruction and waste..Be it from human or enviromental casualties..I am happy that you brought up the human casualties,truely that is very important...OUTLAW

  • mellisamouse

    EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I allways say.................. GO AFTWR THE PEOPLE WHO STUFF OUR MAILBOXES WITH CRAP WE DON"T WANT!!!

    That would save tons and tons of paper a day even in a small town like where I live. I don't want any stupid flyers or pamflets that just make my recyleing box heavier to carry down the stairs!

    I though the internet would get rid of a LOT of unneccessary waist of paper.

  • TowerWatch

    OK I must admit the paper deal is one I have never thought of!

    How many trees have been sacrificed over the last 100 years?

    OK so they are not the worst offender but aren’t they part of the problem?

  • jayhawk1
    If JWs didn't waste their gas going to meetings and out in the d2d, they would be using their gas going shopping, to movies, to sporting events, etc. I don't see where any gas would be saved. It would just be used in more fun activities.

    True, I guess I am looking at this from a slightly different point of view. The local congregation covers a territory of about 30 square miles. For me to get to the Kingdom Hall I have to drive 10 miles each way. One Elder's round trip was about 50 miles. Average it out over a congregation of about 75 people, roughly 30 cars and you get my point. Sure Saturday would probably be devoted to shopping and fun activities, but really don't they do that anyway? As for myself, I prefer staying home in the evenings. Zero gas burned Tuesday and Thursday, reduced fuel consumption Saturday and Sunday.

    Again Blondie, you make an excellent point, but I would still bet most ex-JWs use slightly less gas.


    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society started publishing the year George Armstrong Custer Died at Little BigHorn..We`re talking since the Old West!..Recycling has only been with us a short period of time in the grand scheme of things..A lot of tree`s have been sacrificed for a religion that can`t decied what they believe in,as they get New Light when ever it suits them...OUTLAW

  • jayhawk1

    Never thought of that before, publishing since the year General Custer died at Little Big Horn. Makes me wonder how the Little Big Horn figures into the composite sign of Jesus' Invisable Return and the end of this system of things.

    George Custer Portrait

    I wonder if the American Indians was part of the King of the North at that time.

  • jayhawk1

    Triton, you should consider making your own thread on your subject. The subject here is whether or not Watchtower is wasting paper.


    Triton_logic..Good point..I love this discusion board ..So many people can add input.....JayHawk1..Actually it`s about the WBTS involvement in the destruction of our enviroment..Chemicals for recycled paper would fall into that..Thanks though Bud!..As far as "King of the North"..There is only one..ME!.."King of the Great White North!!"..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • jayhawk1

    The Watchtower Corp. wastes paper... you bet! Waste of paper printing it. Waste of time reading it. Waste of resources delivering it. Wasted lives believing in it.

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