Why we do it all...pics

by Sparkplug 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    I'm using Mozilla... not IE... I have a villagephoto account but let me figure this out in explorer... Thanks!

  • becca1

    All beautiful except the iguana thing! Love the fairie!

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    One more time......

  • jayhawk1

    Sparkplug, those are some great pictures. The fairy one came out great! Wow that boy has some blue eyes.

    Gordon, glad you got that picture to take. Cute!

  • under_believer

    My 3 are still very young. No pictures yet, I'm not ready to come out of the closet. But they're gorgeous. :)

    Sparkplug, beautiful children. How old is your son? I am terrified of the day when my daughter becomes a teenager.

    BTW, who is that you in your avatar? Reminds me of A Clockwork Orange, a bit.

  • Sparkplug

    Becca- That is my oldest cuddly bearded dragon. I never got how it could be so loveable personally...but, to each his own.

    Gordon! Did you fill that tub with balls for the baby? What a sweetums! So cute. I love kiddos.

    Jayhawwk. Thank ye' Yes, and my one daughters are as blue as his are blue and the other daughter has this strange gold color. Myself, brown. Is that not strange?

    Underbeliever, he will be 17 in a few more months. I am about stretched thin on him, but I hear tell this all changes in time. They are all so neat to have around. Hopefully some day we get to meet and same with your kiddos. I know it is hard when you still have that line to walk. I wish you the best as you go through all of this.


  • mellisamouse

    WOW, what a good looking family you guys are!

    Awesome to have a bunch I bet!

  • jayhawk1

    The young man has green eyes? Hmmm the color on this computer must be way off LOL. That is interesting how your family has so many shades of eye color. Very unique! Once I saw a woman once who had a gold hue in her eyes and she wasn't wearing contacts either. Must be another color to add to the human eye.

  • Sparkplug
    The young man has green eyes?

    I am such a dork. I did type green. I went back and corrected that. They are blue. oops. One would think I would get that right.

    Hi MM!! Yes, it is great to have a bunch. Keeps up broke and humble. You have a cutie I saw. So cute. AND you get to stay with you baby. Way kewl!

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Gordon! Did you fill that tub with balls for the baby? What a sweetums! So cute. I love kiddos.

    It was on the first page of the Grandpa handbook:.... If she likes to play with 3 balls in the tubby... immediately, go to every store and buy every ball they have!!!

    I was gonna buy her a car the first time she said, "Pawpa" (I completely melted!!!)... but "The Grandma" said I couldn't. So the balls will have to do... FOR NOW!

    Appart from step-kids, I never had children of my own or get to be with them from the moment they're born. Just got to experience the whole teenager thing.

    I'm way too young to be the biological father of my son (24) and daughter (22) but this is the perfect age to be a way cool grandpa! And she is SOOOO Sweet! Always happy, even when she's not feeling well.... Who woulda thunk it, I don't even mind the diaper changes!

    Her first birthday is this Saturday.... I'd like to see some Witless try to tell me that it would tick-off God to celebrate the precious little gift that He gave us!.... freakin' idiots!

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