Saw some JW's 'witnessing' in my area - had some questions ready

by cyberdyne systems 101 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    I saw some witnoids I know from my former congregation, recruiting across the road from me yesterday. I was hoping they would call on me as I'd like to ask a few questions.

    Firstly I wanted to ask them why historians say the destruction of Jerusalem was in 587/586, where as only the dubs say its 607? Assuming they say that its cause it fits bible prophesy, I wanted to ask how come they used to say it was in 606? Assuming they say its because when that was said they didnt realise there was no year zero, I wanted to ask how come they didnt change the prophetic date (1914) and changed the historic date by one year?

    But alas they didnt turn up so it will have to wait for another time.

    CS 101

  • TheListener

    You've already stated 3x more knowledge on the subject that they will likely have. The answer to all your questions would be "we'll look that up and get back to you."

    Good luck.

  • TheListener

    Ask them to read you a scripture.

    Perhaps Matthew 23:8-12. Where Jesus talks about religious titles. Ask them what it means.

    You'll see excitement in their eyes. They know you've picked a scripture for which they are ready.

    They should (if they know their stuff) explain that yes indeed religious titles are wrong and they don't use them for that very purpose. They'll be all excited to show you how they follow the bible and others don't.

    Then tell them how much that bugs you and how right they are!! Tell them that just the other day two mormons came by and called themselves "missionaries" and they have "elders" in their congregations!! Can you believe that!! How anti-biblical.

    Follow up before they comment with: 'But I'm glad you don't have titles like that. It's encouraging to see a religion follow the Bible. Maybe I will come to one of your meetings and see that everyone is the same, equal, no missionaries or elders or fathers or reverends or anything. Just like first century christianity."

    They'll either bow out at that point or if you have a particularly hardy dub they'll point you to some scriptures where Paul appointed some as elders in the congregations.

    If that happens, look at them straight in the eyes and say "are you telling me the Bible contradicts itself!!" like you're all upset with them for implying that.

    Then say something like "you aren't trying to tell me that you do have titles are you?"

    Finish with some righteous indignation like 'I was excited to see you follow the bible but now I realize you're just like everyone else' and close your door.

    I dunno, it seems long when written but in practice it goes fast and their facial expressions are priceless.

  • Clam

    Hehe very good Listener. Good tactic.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Cyberdine, I think you're assuming they know more than they will actually know if you ask them those questions, unless one of them is an elder, who may have some knowledge. You'd most likely get a blank stare from them. followd by a promise to look it up and get back to you.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    fullofdoubt wrote:

    I think you're assuming they know more than they will actually know if you ask them those questions

    I guess thats true, but I just want to get them thinking. This happened to me as a young dub, and someone asked why god's name was inserted into the NT? I thought it was just in there, but learned that no it wasnt, got me thinking that did. Another time at a study I conducted with someone, we were discussing the account of Noah, and the man asked how did the animals return to the various continents, again i went away to find the society's answer, which was frankly pathetic, and again it got me thinking. Of course it was years later that I left, with serious doubts, but these were all steps along that path for me.

    CS 101

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Cyberdine,

    What a great conversation favorite subject!! But I especially love how you were going to point out that their 1914 should be changed by one year as well!! I never thought of using that!! Thank you!! I sure will now!


    Lady Liberty

  • Terry

    The very very few JW's who ever came to my door (maybe twice in 18 years!!) were so awfully "green" and nervous that I didn't have the heart to give them a hard time.

    All I said to them was a kindly few words: "I use to go door to door when I was a Jehovah's Witness but I don't believe that way anymore."

    They get cartoon bulge-eyes and depart like an F-16 usually.

    I have pity on the young ones.

    Now, if an elder or older couple ever came to the door It would be a different story.

  • moshe

    The last JW I talked to was all set to open his Bible and argue a point, when I told him "I'm Jewish". He regrouped and tried to talk about the warning Noah gave and how few listened. He was trying to explain why 99.9% of the world are not JW's. I turned it around on him. "have you been to our Zoo?- "Yes", he answered.

    Did the Ark have more or less animals than our Zoo?- "More", he replied.

    How many work at the zoo taking care of the animals- was it more than 8? --"yes", he admitted.

    Could it be more than a 100?- "yes", he admitted

    Then how do you explain that the Bible says only 8 people fed and watered and cleaned the cages of all those animals on the Ark?, I asked.

    He didn't want to think about the logistical problems in the Biblical story of Noah's Ark.. No explanation, either.

    "It was a story, not a historical event, that's all", I told him.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    cyberdyne: the only mistake you made was not stopping to talk to the jw's when you saw them. i saw about 10 jw's starting to work a street today. and they had one young guy about 15 yrs old that i know was from out of state just by looking at him. i made a bee line for the kid and asked for the new tract, seeing i had about 2 minutes , before the other jw's could drag him away. i asked him if he knew what false religion is? and how would he know? i wasted no time and told him when i was his age , the same people your knocking on dooors with today. promised me the world would end in 1975. aqnd the generation of 1914 would see the big A . WELL SON that is false religion. at about this time the zombies came up. and started calling me apostate. i said that's right I'M AN APOSTATE OF THE FALSE RELIGION OF THE WTS.. 1914 ,1918, 1925, 1874, 1941, 607, pyramids is all false religion. they are trying to drag the kid away. but i keep directing what i'm saying to him. the elders says i was thrown out of the hall. and i agree because i know more about the wt than the whole elder body. and made them look like dopes in the hall library. from their own books. you look like the big cheese elder here. let's go to the hall library right now. and let this kid your trying to make a wt slave out of ,see me make a lying spritual drunkard fool out of you in 15 minutes. to make a long story short. i told the kid . go home and google jw's and see what you find. because i'm sure you don't want to be 70 years old like these dopes your in fs. with , only to learn you been scamed. john

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