What has been your experience with love bombing (that is the practice of showering attention upon newcomers until they are part of the org)?
Have you been love bombed or practiced this technique?
by truthsearcher 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was love - bombed for around 2 years after I started attnding the kh. and I became an active love - bomber myself for around 22 years, once I'd been baptised.
Yes, I was, by the lovely friends of fayetteville, nc. I shouldn't have fallen for it then. The brother who studied with us convinced us that we had to take a stand and get out of the military. I only had a year and a half left, but "armageddon could come any day" and this was the year that the revelation climax book came out. So, I put in paperwork to become a conscientious objector on the suggestion of a man who waited until he retired from the military before taking "the truth" seriously. I had to get out immediately, but this pud needed to ensure he was optimizing his pension first. There is nobody blinder than one who doesn't want to see.
When I was sick an fading they used to swarm me at the few meetings I attended even though they never had two words to say to me before then.
cyberdyne systems 101
In a sense I feel it happens in other situations apart from the dubs, for instance at work if someone new comes on board I tend to welcome them, or a new poster comes here, we all welcome them. I guess the difference is that, they are specifically instructed to do it, and its almost trying to create a rather false over the top amount of love, to prove the dubs are the true religion, in other words its a conditioned behaviour. I have to admit I used to do it.
CS 101
In what way are JWs instructed to love bomb? Can you give examples.
Never been on either end of that charade. I've always been repulsed by hypocrisy - whether personal or institutional.
I never thought of it as love bombing............I just wanted new ones to feel welcome and then be part of something special
Now I see it for what it is...................fake.................Its not so much the love bombing but the retraction of it once your baptized or you start missing meetings and become bad association.
Love bombed in the JW's and the Boston Church of Christ. The BCC was worse about it than the JW's. Read about their abuses on-line. It'll make the JW's seem like a Sunday picnic!
Yup! Seen it, done it! It's standard practice. The practice is taught (at least it was) as a meeting topic.
I was raised by Witness parents but the practice can be experienced by visiting a Kingdom Hall as a stranger. That's actually one reason so many Witnesses move to a different Kingdom Hall. The new one seems so much friendlier than the last one. That lasts maybe a whole month.