The dark side to their new personality

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    The bible tells us to transform our personality so that we become better people and pleasant. So, as JW, we were all supposed to do that.

    It's funny, but most JW's I know, also transformed their personality into something more hateful.

    Maybe they stopped doing bad things that were apparent, but they also started doing hateful things that they didn't do before such as shun people or ignore their own brothers and sisters who don't see exactly eye to eye with the Org. As well as divide families, which they didn't do before becoming JW's.

    I rather their old personality, before they became JW's.

  • Abandoned

    Yep, they're an unhappy lot.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    You are right JH. I was a far nicer, less judgemental person before I became a jw at the age of 21, and since leaving the org behind, I have also left my judgemental ways behind. I am far more approachable now, so I'm told, than I ever was as a jw.

    I think when you become a jw you have a no personality rather than a new one.

  • Amazing


    The problem with the Jehovah's Witnesses is that they were transformed by an organization and the ideas of men, and not by the Holy Spirit. As you correctly point out, they exchange one set of bad behaviors for another set of bad behaviors.

    Jim Whitney

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    I rather their old personality, before they became JW's.

    Yup. Putting on the "new personality" didn't help them.

    In my mother's case, who was a pretty nasty person before she enlisted, simply provided her with an excuse for her miserable behavior. She can now say she is doing it because God tells her it is right

    I do believe some JWs are honest hearted people. Those are the ones who refuse to shun their children or other family members. But for the most part JWs will put on this personality that has nothing to do with godliness

  • daystar

    I'd rather be friends with someone who has loads of premarital sex than someone who'll leave me for dead for smoking a cigarette or sharing gifts on Dec. 25th.

  • Sparkplug
    I'd rather be friends with someone who has loads of premarital sex than someone who'll leave me for dead for smoking a cigarette or sharing gifts on Dec. 25th

    Crystal clear. Made me laugh. Morning Daystar!

  • hambeak

    I agree JH as jw's one becomes very judgemental and self riteous there is no real love for fellow man and especially family. They violate everything the Bible teaches about love and forgiveness example of the prodigal son Jesus going to sinners etc. Honoring your father and mother. I could go on and on. I agree I believe they are a dysfunctional group

  • daystar
    I'd rather be friends with someone who has loads of premarital sex than someone who'll leave me for dead for smoking a cigarette or sharing gifts on Dec. 25th
    Crystal clear. Made me laugh. Morning Daystar!

    So, you'll be my friend? LOL!

    Good morning! It's good to see you're taking a break from "GO! GO! GO!"

  • Finally-Free

    When I joined the JW cult I cut my hair, shaved my beard, sold my chopper, quit getting drunk, quit using and selling drugs, and said goodbye to my biker buddies and sleazy women friends. I learned how to put on a suit and tie. I learned how to quote scripture. I learned how to smile when I didn't feel like smiling. But most of all, for the first time, I learned to hate. I learned to hate everyone who wasn't as f*cking holy as me.


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