Do you regret disowning your former religion?

by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff

    The values that the witnesses claim to espouse led me out of the religion:

    Always tell the truth; what a rude shock to see the GB, including Ted, lie without a blink about sex abuse.

    If even one thing is wrong about your faith, you should leave it.

    Question your faith; it is not wrong to ask questions.

    When I did all those things in the mid 90's, I lost my appetite for being a true believer.

    Now I see how I was duped.

    They BRAINWASH and mind control their members; they threaten and spiritually "kill" dissenters.

    Not hard to have "unity" when dissent is quashed.


  • Amazing

    Hi JH,

    I was also raised Catholic. I felt regret when I realized what a horrible separation letter I wrote to my former Priest. I called him 25-years later when I left the JWs and apologized to him. 14-years after the apology, I have reconciled with the Church. I no longer see the Catholic Church as the means to salvation, for that can only be through Christ. But, the Catholic Church never really expected me to look to them in the first place. So, I have not registered as a member again, but I do attend Mass. Yes, they have some "shit" to clean out, but at least Catholics are free to talk about it and get something done ... unlike the control-freak Watchtower who silences JWs through fear tactics. And, Catholics are also honesat enough to admit that the shit exists in the first place. That is something worth noting.

    Jim Whitney

  • juni

    Pistoff said:

    They BRAINWASH and mind control their members; they threaten and spiritually "kill" dissenters.

    Not hard to have "unity" when dissent is quashed

    Isn't that the TRUTH?

    Yes James you are right. You would be taken back by these other religions in a heartbeat.


  • blondie

    I don't know if the people at SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) would necessarily share the same glowing picture of the Catholic Church when it comes to their past and present behavior regarding sexual abuse in its midst. While some progress has been made it has been hard won by the Catholics and ex-Catholics that have kept the church's feet to the fire. It is not over yet.

    They have a very nice website that keeps their doings up to date.

    I never belonged to any other religion but the WTS and I don't regret leaving it. I find that religion has many drawbacks and that small groups who treat each other with respect as they discuss spiritual topics works best.


  • LittleToe

    I was rasied a JW, as were my parents before me.

    No regrets!

  • RevFrank

    sounds good to me JH.....I left the church(catholic) back in 1965..almost became a priest.....(no merriage..oh my)Way too Cultic, but a christian church.....but I perfer to be known as a christian that follows Christ not a religion.

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