About wahhabi origin:
After returning to Najd from his trips, Ibn Abdul-Wahhab began to preach his wild ideas in Uyayna. However, because of his rigid preaching, he was thrown out of his birthplace. He then went to preach in nearby Dir’iyyah where his dear friend Hempher and other undercover British spies joined him. Ibn Abdul-Wahhab ordered women to shave off their heads in order not to "seduce" men with their hair. 3 He also mercilessly killed a local adulteress in a crowded public square by brutally smashing her head with a large heavy boulder. 4 While Islamic punishment for adultery is stoning, but only with
small stones, Muslim scholars disagree as to whether the punishment was actually intended to kill.
Although many people opposed Ibn Abdul-Wahhab’s rigid teachings and actions including his own father and brother Sulaiman, who were both religious scholars, British undercover spies and money succeeded in cajoling an insignificant Dir’iyyah sheik, Mohammad al-Saud, to support him. 5 In 1744, al-Saud joined forces with Ibn Abdul-Wahhab by forging a political, religious, and marital alliance. With this union between them and their families, which is still in existence today, Wahhabism as a religious and political movement was born.
My point is that knowlege about these terrorists on british soil is not new. In fact at higher levels, it has been known, all along.