hello again...

by PaulJ 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • PaulJ

    well i havent been on here for AGES, and blow me down with a feather if armageddon still hasnt arrived yet.... anyways just want to say hello to anyone who might remember me and hi to everyone who doesnt.

    Basically I was able to get on here while i was at work (didnt have 'tinternet at home) but then my job changed and i couldnt anymore. but now ive caught up with the rest of ther 21st century here i am, on my pc at home.

    so how you all keeping? anything exiting happen while i was away?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Paul, and welcome back.

    It's been a while, but yes I do remember you, you were on here quite a bit just after I joined. I'm glad you are well, and have the internet at home now. That means we'll be seeing more of you I hope.


  • PaulJ

    yeah i remember.... it feels like such along time i was on, ive really missed it!

    wow- and look at you- emperor class! youve been a bit busy havent ya??? where abouts in the uk are you from?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Yes, I have been busy, this board is very addictive you know.

    I'm from Derby, right in the centre of the country. I see you're from Suffolk, do you live near the coast?

  • PaulJ

    well not far, about 20 minutes drive away from lowestoft and southwold (where little britain "im a laydee!" was filmed) so i take my daughter to the seaside in the summer, she's 2 and so loves it. its a nice part of the country and i love it here- ive moved about tho, i grew up in cambridgeshire then moved to south yorkshire, in the rotherham congs- where i left the jw's.

    yes it is VERY addictive.... i just hope i bump into some people i know on here some day....

  • fullofdoubtnow
    just hope i bump into some people i know on here some day

    Well Paul, we do have the odd Apostafest. There is a possibility of a meet up in Birmingham for a Chinese meal some time early in the New Year. No date has been set yet, but quite a few have shown interest, and I hope to be there with my boyfriend, who posts on here, when he can get me off the pc, as dedpoet. There is a thread about it somewhere, probably under Apostafests, so look out for it if you are interested. I think it's a good thing for ex jws to meet up occasionally, if only to show the wts that there is life after leaving their bs.

  • PaulJ

    i vaigly remember dedpoet.... brum is quite a trip for me..... but im learning to drive (a bit late in life i know...) so id love to do a few apostofests in the future.

  • PaulJ

    what other british people are still on here? is that nutter richierich (from the US) still about? has he been df'd yet??

  • fullofdoubtnow

    dedpoet (Trev) joined a few months before me, in July last year. We live together now, I moved in on New Years Day, and are getting married next June. We hope to see as many as can attend from the board there, so look out for the invitation thread. Trev will design it, he's good at that sort of thing, and we can help guests from out of Derby to find reasonable, cheap accommodation. We intend to make the reception an Apostaweddingfest if people off the board come. You would be most welcome.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Richie Rich still posts occasionally, and yes he is df'd now.

    There arequite a few Brits on here regularly, just not many posting tonight.

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