I wonder would you call someone or go to their house to discuss concerns that you are having with the WT? Is that a scary thought? Under what conditions would you consider it? If you have already taken this step, please share the process with us. I am wondering about the practicality of making myself available in my own community for those who need to talk about WT issues, given the strong incentive the WT gives to stay away from any questions (disfellowshipping). Do you just get to the point where you feel (or felt) that you just had to talk to a live person rather than just on the internet?
would you call someone or go to their house to discuss concerns with WT?
by truthsearcher 21 Replies latest jw friends
You mean would I go help somebody? You bet! I've sat with countless friends and relatives of Witnesses and walkaways and castaways. I've spoke in churches, universities, and ecumenical pastor meetings.
I've given newspaper and TV interviews too. The only real value my loss has is to help others. -
That is a great way to look at things--to help others see the deception that has blinded their eyes. How about before you had officially left--would you have talked to a live person about why you had lost faith in the organization?
How about before you had officially left--would you have talked to a live person about why you had lost faith in the organization?
Nope! -
Where I am now? If I thought there was a chance they would be reasonable, I'd go in a heartbeat.
Where I was four years ago? I would have been too scared they would have sucked me back in again.
I've come a long way baby!
I've spoke in churches, universities, and ecumenical pastor meetings.
Can you elaborate a bit more on this? How were you contacted in order to have you come and speak to them? How do others discern whether you are a certified nutcase with an imaginary axe to grind or an honest and sensible person who has left a cult? How did you go about this?
I am brand new here but I have to voice. I have been out off the WTS for 14 years but my mom is very active. I havent been dsfellowshipped but I have been inactive. I am visiting her and therefore required to attend the meetings. The things I am hearing are more disturbing than ever. A regurgitation of myths to keep the members enslaved. Its amazing to me they keep buying the BS!! How many more generations will they capture? How many more lives will they destroy? This is deeper then the general public can understand. I was raised a Witness and my life was altered. I was raised as if tommorow wasnt coming. I cant tell my mom these thoughts....she would disown me. Who's in charge of spilling out these lies? Theres a lot more to this than the above. But who is altering these lives and perspectives? For what agenda?
rolling rock
For what agenda? Thats what I want to know? Vary good question...
Thanks for sharing your experiences in the WT. It must be very painful to see your family still involved when your eyes have been opened. The issue of agenda is an interesting one. If you believe the Bible, it talks about false teachers who are really ravenous wolves creeping in among the sheep for a number of purposes. Yes, those same verses that the WT uses against Christianity should actually apply to them. From that perspective, who then would be behind the deception but the Deceiver himself, who can appear as an angel of light (that is, masquarade as something good--and on the surface, the WT can appear as something good to Christians. I've been told that many converts come out of some type of church background).
So the question is, do the men at the top know what they are doing (ie are they charlatans) or are they totally deceived? Perhaps reading Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz would shed some light on their agenda. Anyone else care to add to this?
I would help anyone escape the wts. My bf helped me, and we both helped another friend. If someone called me and asked for help in escaping, I'd do it in a heartbeat.