Cause for celebration.

by Abandoned 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    Congrats Abandoned...

    Ya know, all this time I have been on this board and I have still not read that book...

    Maybe I will skip on over to amazon myself and grab it...I am needing something new to read....

    Can anyone tell me if it is a deep read? I only ask cause with my ADD I have a hard time sitting through a tough book....bits and pieces of the read works for me though...

  • Mary
    Can anyone tell me if it is a deep read? I only ask cause with my ADD I have a hard time sitting through a tough book....bits and pieces of the read works for me though...

    Yes and no.....I too have ADD (very short attention span), but it's an incredible book. Alot of history of the religion in there along with the history of how Ray became a member of the Governing Body. He tells it almost apologetically and without malice. You'll be hooked.

  • morty
    Can anyone tell me if it is a deep read? I only ask cause with my ADD I have a hard time sitting through a tough book....bits and pieces of the read works for me though...

    Yes and no.....I too have ADD (very short attention span), but it's an incredible book. Alot of history of the religion in there along with the history of how Ray became a member of the Governing Body. He tells it almost apologetically and without malice. You'll be hooked

    Thanks Mary...

    Throwing the history part in there with make me squirm as well....dates just send me for a loop when there are so many to remember....

    Will give it a try though....I really have wanted to have a peek at that book...

  • JWdaughter

    I wanted to meet Ray F. from the time I saw the article in Time (?) Magazine in the early 80's. I don't remember what came first, me leaving or him announcing his departure to the world. I remember reading the article in the school cafeteria, I could even tell you the table I read it at, and the way it looked on the page. I respect him a great deal. While I imagine we would not agree on everything, he stood up for his convictions, and I always respect people who have integrity and live by it. I think that is why I like this board. A lot of people, with different beliefs, ideas and lives-but you are all taking a road that is harder for all that it is the more honest and decent road to take. Not everyone is in the same place, but the reasons you are where you are-are because you know it is what you should be doing at this time-or you are working to change it. Progress is honorable.

  • codeblue

    Great book.........great read

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