I wanted to meet Ray F. from the time I saw the article in Time (?) Magazine in the early 80's. I don't remember what came first, me leaving or him announcing his departure to the world. I remember reading the article in the school cafeteria, I could even tell you the table I read it at, and the way it looked on the page. I respect him a great deal. While I imagine we would not agree on everything, he stood up for his convictions, and I always respect people who have integrity and live by it. I think that is why I like this board. A lot of people, with different beliefs, ideas and lives-but you are all taking a road that is harder for all that it is the more honest and decent road to take. Not everyone is in the same place, but the reasons you are where you are-are because you know it is what you should be doing at this time-or you are working to change it. Progress is honorable.