Hi slimboyfat
I’m reading this book in fact can't put it down, I wish I could have read it 30 years ago, before I wasted most of my life believing in a myth, and wasting time at meetings, field service, assemblies and pre- meeting study, and more time wasting business the (swear word here) WTower gets you doing, ‘as if’ this is service to a god (Jehovah, non existing).
Look at the back cover and read the remarks from Derren Brown: ‘this is my favourite book of all time. I hope that those secure and intelligent enough to see the value of questioning their beliefs will be big and strong enough to read this book. It is a heroic and life-changing work.’ Philip Pullman; ‘….It should have a place in every school library – especially … every “faith” school.’ I say (frogit); ‘What about Kingdom Hall Libraries’.
A side note when the Creation book was released years ago, I took time to check the quotes with the sources at my local library, you know what? they where taken out of context and made no sense to me, but because I was in a mind control group (JWs), I dismissed my findings, and put faith in the (swear word here)WT, I wish Richard Dawkins had come to my attention way back then.
I would also recommend reading the first few pages at your book shop (or even buy the book it’s worth £13.99) say Waterstone’s, (have coffee as well) by Derren Brown ‘Tricks of the Mind’, this throws more understanding too on why we humans believe in god’s, and are deceived by religion.
Deep acceptance and faith is considered a good thing in the world, but now I say, “truth is real truth, when the facts show it to be truth, not faith which is totally blind and deceives gullible people”, like I once was.
I recommend other books from Dawkins the Blind Watchmaker for example.
God is a delusion, so don’t waste your life anymore following that belief. If you still believe, challenge your beliefs’ by reading this book by Richard Dawkins.