I've often pondered what a truly supreme and transcendant being or God would find lacking in himself to require constant adulation from his inferiors.
Why create inferior beings in the first place?
What is worship, after all, but praise, fawning, obsequious kow-towing and a rather needy pathetic entreaty for help.
Why not just require basic gratitude and respect and leave it at that?
As a parent of seven children, I think that is all I ever need from my kids; basic gratitude and respect.
How I could neurotically demand worship, servitude and pure anything is beyond me unless I was certifiably nuts.
But, we humans seem inclined to debase our own personal worth so easily that it becomes calming to indulge in ritual behavior designed to appease the sky god.
I just attended a father and daughter camp-out at the local Camp Carter where fathers and daughters from all over the city gather every so often. We had campfire ceremonies and did pledges and all that. It was a bonding experience to be sure. However, it was fundamentally a silly religious ritual dressed up as something else. My daughter, Lillian, kept a good-natured face on as we did the ceremony. We both enjoyed it alot. In short, I understand the NEED for something to bring people together with each other and to allow a fearful humanity to embrace something larger and more powerful than itself alone. But, really!! WORSHIP? PURE WORSHIP?
It is deeply neurotic. That is how I see it, anyway.