Perverted Justice, Dateline & The City of Murphy, Texas

by cruzanheart 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cruzanheart

    Unbeknownst to the town, our police department partnered with Perverted Justice and did a sting operation in our little town of Murphy, Texas. Dateline came and filmed a segment and, what with one thing and another, the white-bread suburbanites came completely unglued about the whole thing. They contacted the media and what would have merely been an episode of Dateline turned into a media circus, complete with Geraldo. Also, one of the predators, instead of coming to the sting house, shot himself when police came to arrest him at his house. He was a former district attorney for the City of Kaufman, Texas.

    All we've heard all week is the people who are outraged about the police "bringing" predators to our town, our children are at risk, Murphy didn't have a problem until the police brought people here, etc. The quotes were outrageously naive and some of my friends in the neighborhood echoed that sentiment: oh, it couldn't happen HERE! Which completely ignores the fact that one of the pervs arrested was FROM Murphy.

    So today a special Town Meeting was held and at least 300 people, myself included, packed the City Council chambers and City Hall. (Chris would've been there but he had to work.) The issue was whether the Chief of Police and the City Manager, who set this up, should be fired. The City Council has been bleating that no one told THEM about it before it happened.

    I was quite proud of my fellow Murphs, because at least 95% of them came out in favor of the police department's decision to conduct the sting. I stood up and added my two cents' worth and while I deplore the negative publicity, I'm glad our guys in blue are being proactive about taking care of our children and, really, children everywhere. At the end of the day, I'm pretty sure the Chief and City Manager still have their jobs and the City Council is backpedaling furiously on all the things they said. Please note that I did NOT vote for this Mayor!

    Great fun exercising my civil rights and standing up with an actual opinion! It's kind of cool actually being a part of a community!


  • blondie

    I just watched that Dateline episode!!! It's hard to believe that people are so naive (it doesn't happen in their town)! Glad you got to have an input and hopefully the town came to it's senses....


  • Rabbit

    Good for you Nina ! We could not believe the idiotic complaining from the citizens there either. They ought to do this everywhere to 'smoke out' these guys. This type of sting should prove to any town that pedophiles are already there!

    The City Council has been bleating that no one told THEM about it before it happened.

    *Sheesh* Yeah, tell as many people as possible! Then when no one shows means that town is *safe*. Dummys...


  • cruzanheart

    One of the people who spoke yesterday was a neighbor of the Murphy guy (Sajjid Mohammad) who was arrested in the sting. Mohammad's neighbor's voice shook as he praised the police for catching someone who was a potential danger to the neighbor's 5-year-old daughter and said that he'd rather know about the predators in his neighborhood than live in ignorance and put his family in danger.

    Another person who spoke up is the sister of the man who committed suicide as the police were coming to arrest him. She berated the police Chief, calling him a murderer, and talked about how loved her brother had been, what a good man he was, how many people attended his funeral -- and not a word about WHY the police were on his doorstep that day. Minor detail, I suppose . . .


  • crazyblondeb


    Ain't it great that we can now really make a difference in our community!?!?!!!

  • sammielee24

    It's a shame people want to bury their head in the sand. I've watched these stings on Dateline as many times as they've had them and it makes me sick to see how many men line up to have sex with young girls. The town really doesn't matter - the act these guys set out to do - does. I could care what town they live in or where the sting is held because as long as Dateline keeps up this work and airs the film - shows the faces of the men - the conversations they are having with kids - it's all good. It means that somewhere, someplace, some perv will think twice about picking up condoms and beer and heading off for a night with a 13 year old. I shiver when I see these grown men with daughters and sons of their own because then I have to wonder what might have transpired in their own homes already. sammieswife.

  • arrowstar

    Well done, Nina.

  • sf
    Also, one of the predators, instead of coming to the sting house, shot himself when police came to arrest him at his house. He was a former district attorney for the City of Kaufman, Texas.

    Now WHY would he end up doing something so cowardly? Guess he knew what awaits him in prison. It's best these sleazeballs put the bullet in their own heads, at best, because prison life is worse than death. That's one reason I'm against the death penalty. They need to pay, in THIS life. If he was innocent, why go to the extreme of suicide? Doesn't make sense.

    Ain't it great that we can now really make a difference in our community!?!?!!!

    Absolutely! And when one discovers how easy and effective it is, you want to...

    DO MORE!! LOL!!

    Go team!


  • Sunnygal41

    I watched that show, also, and was totally disgusted by the way these guys tried, against all common sense and decency to lie their way out of the situation............even when caught with beer and condoms.............these people ARE sick in the head, they MUST live in some insane place in their head........(((shudder)))

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