As a teenager, I was not real into the religion. I went to meetings, lived by my mothers rules, and had a lot of Witness friends. On the flip side, I had dated nonWitness people in High School, was sexually active, drank and partied on the weekends and hide it well from my mom. My father was a nonWitness and due to his putting his foot down, we celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving. No other Holidays, it was a give and take thing. Anyway, I actually disliked the Witnesses restrictions, but inside I think I accepted that Jehovah must be a real god or the god, so I would pray to him when times were hard. I actually think I might have prayed to him a few times, while I set throwing up next to a toilet, from drinking to much. As I got into my adult years, I did like most people did and moved out to live on my own. I was with two roommates and we had a blast, parties, sex and just plain enjoying youth. My mother got me into a bible study, to keep me on the right track and I went. I just would do that once a week and then it was back to fun that evening, or weekend. Then one night about six months after moving out, my mother calls and says she is divorcing my father for cheating on her. I was thinking, "no shock," as they hated each other for years. I thought I would just role with it, move on and back to the parties and fun. Instead, this ended up making for a lot of distress for me and depression. Soon I did something, that I have learned was normal for people. I turned to the religion that I knew best and hit it hardcore. Got baptized, Pioneered, attended every meeting without fail and was doing parts in assemblies and was very well known in the area. Even moved to another congregation to be more help for their lack of publishers. In that time, I got married to a Witnesses, and so on. Five years later, I woke up and left the religion. I was lucky the person I married, actually resented the religion and only stayed in because they were raised in it and left the religion at the same time as I did or else I would have really created a problem for myself.
The thing is, this is so common. As much as people will say they dislike the religion or they do not believe in it. I have seen time and time again, people return to that religion or what ever religion they were raised in, when times of distress happen, as it is the comfort zone or what they feel most basic in believing. Has anyone else experienced something like I mentioned happen in my life. I know a few former Witnesses locally, that had things like this happen. Just wondered if others on here, did the same.