A Peach is a peach is a peach....
"The careful writer will avoid accidental assonances [resemblance in sound] ... [as they] distort the thought and annoy the reader. Thus one might say 'Before delivering his address the governor ate a peach.' But to say, 'Before the speech he ate a peach' is to introduce an unintended levity and to mar the passage with an unwanted jingle."---A DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN USAGE, by Bergen Evans and Cornelia Evans, pp.400, 401.
I worked for a doctor, who years previously owned a peach orchard. She confided in me that she never had complained that the manager would flood the orchard before picking. The increase in weight bolstered the market value but reduced the flavor. I prefer non-irrigated peaches. Peaches are my FAVORITE FRUIT!
On Lobsters and Pineapples---Such Prickly Fare!
Years ago we had a series of TV commercials touting the softening qualities of Brand X hand lotion. The narrator asks the question (of a man), "How would you like to hold hands with a lobster [ pineapple---different commercial]? The man looks down quizzically at the hand of his beloved and sees a lobster [pineapple]! Look of horror and jerking away of imperiled hand. Then Ms. Creepy Claw uses the wonder lotion and wins the renewed affection and hand of her man. I believe only one hand was affected.
All of the above because I saw the word PEACH! Thanx, jgnat!
Tutti-fruttilly yours,