The Difference between being a Convert and being raised a Witness
Having come from a single parent family, I realized the need
for some sort of structured and organized way of life. Roman
Catholicism did not really satisfy my need because my view
of the Catholic Church was that is was more ritualistic.
The Watchtower's attraction
Admittedly, the Watchtower attracted me because it seemed
to offer certain things that were missing from my own life. As
already mentioned, the structure and organization. In addition,
the hopes and promises were an added bonus.
Comparing apples with oranges
I was not raised a Witness, however, I accepted the full
indoctrination and ideologies of being a Jehovah's Witness.
It would seem reasonable to me that the differences between
being raised a Witness and being a convert carries its shares
of differences.
Questions to Consider
If you were raised a Witness and you knew someone that was
not, what differences did you find between yourselves?If you were a Witness convert, how do you think your life
differed to someone born and raised in the "truth."
Please add your commentary and
perspective on the matter so that
all can learn.
The Wanderer