All of these speeches and TV specials with their analysts and experts but not once have I heard any mention of US terrorist groups. We are trying to attack the outside world and those who harbor terrorism but I ask: What is the difference between armed men in training camps training to kill with hateful prejudice in say, Sudan and the same camps we harbor in say, Idaho? Yes, these places are for real and these people are only waiting for an opportunity to use their skills and weapons for their hateful fancies. We should be setting the example first in our own backyard while we prepare to do the same around the world.
What about US terrorist groups?
by tdogg 17 Replies latest jw friends
tdogg---You see this is not a WAR on Terrorism never was
and never will be---and the government does not have the
b!@#s to tell the american public what it is a war on or who.But with that being said if you listened to THE SPEECH the
PRES. said we are after GLOBAL terrorist. Not white men
with short hair cuts who want to over throw the US government,
from inside their own country. You see thats LOCAL not GLOBAL
not to worry----LOL -
Hi Crossroads,
I think you got a point there. It makes all the differenece in the world who kills you. Christian fundy terrorists who talk to God on satelite phones is of course much to prefer over Muslim fundy terrorists.
In the not so "good old days" people dressed in sheets with nice crosses on them roamed around in the south US hanging dark people all over the place. I don't know what they called it, but "terrorism" seem to be a very good word for it.
tdogg, oh please to inform us of just how many people have those supposed terrorist in Idaho training camps KILLED. Huh how many???
How many planes in their arsenal???? HOw many of them have walked into crowded malls say and blown themselves up????? How many planes have they flown into buildings? HOw many embassies have they bombed, how many U.S. Ships have they blown holes in. Oh thats right none.
So don't go around putting names on people you obviously know nothing about. Buff -
Buffalo, that's the most ignorant view of American terrorists that I've ever read. You seem to be forgetting the obvious Oklahoma bombing was carried out by an American terrorist.
While I am sure the government is concerned over homegrown terrorists, that concern and vigilence in destroying that threat was absent from his speech.
That these men ARE American citizens and can blend in with the rest of society with minimal suspicion should be of equal or greater concern than international terrorism.
Pathofthorns, Are you for real, American terrorists, what a load of shit. Timothy McVeigh was an asshole a sociopath and he hung around with a few others. He was after the government and didn't give a shit who got in the way. Terrorists attack innocent people that is their primary target. To call american members of militia groups terrorists is just plain bullooney. I didn't forget the Oklahoma City bombing I had a relative working in that building at the time who was injured so don't give me any of your shit. Now are you saying that members of militia groups are terrorists. What the hell do you call a government who fries little children a la Waco, Shoots mother holding a baby. What do you call them Freedom fighter perhaps??? Who attacked who who in those situations? So then who is the real terrorist organization. Who broke into a families house on Easter Morning and hijacked a little kid out of there with no legal basis. Remember they only had a warrant to see if he was there. Now who did that in commando style, huh!!! who?? Did that boy and his uncle attack the innocent people of america???? Putting labels on people because they are different from you is wrong, because another viewpoint is different from yours doesn't make it stupid it makes it different. I didn't insult you or attack you so don't attack me. Buff
You say:
What the hell do you call a government who fries little children a la Waco, Shoots mother holding a baby. What do you call them Freedom fighter perhaps???What exactly do you call them?
How many have they killed? Are you denying the history of murder by white terrorist groups such as the KKK? Are you from Mississippi?
As far as the aryan idiots in camps- tell me what does it matter if they havent killed anyone yet? They practice to do it and plan to do it they are just to cowardly to do it, thankfully. At least for now.
So lets just ignore it, like we did with the problem in
Afghanistan because these armed hate preaching religious freaks wouldn't possibly do anything bad would they? -
we should particularly worry about para-military groups striking now since they know all they need to do is leave some arabic bomb-making manual in the back seat of the car and no one will ever suspect them.
I think you got a point there. It makes all the differenece in the world who kills you. Christian fundy terrorists who talk to God on satelite phones is of course much to prefer over Muslim fundy terrorists.
yes the government will also ackowledge in time that we have homegrown christian terrorist here too. relgions will not we heald accountable before the governments..hmm...where have i heard this before?
Buffalo----I applaud Thee---It seems that your saying the US
government is a leader in Global Terrorism---I believe that to
be Bin Laden's piont.As for our home grown terrorist just wait as the congress hands
over all our privacy rights to ASHCROFT.I hope you are roaming FREE now because soon you won't be.
I have to tell you, your post has you sitting with barbwire up your
butt----whats your piont.