This is an open ended question meant to iniate a debate.
by general 44 Replies latest jw friends
This is an open ended question meant to iniate a debate.
No, he just picks out people that he likes. Just like in the bible. Do you remember him picking out people? Hell, he got mad at the whole world one time and just picked out Noah to tell everyone that he was mad. When they didn't listen, he just drowned everyone but Noah and his family and the animals on the ship. I guess Noah didn't have to collect the fish or sea animals cause they would of lived through it.
Yes. The First Unitified Church of Gumby. He accepts checks, credit cards, and money orders, as well as any large gifts like cars, vacation packages, or houses.
Don't listen to the Minim-ites. They are evil apostates, having strayed from the one true path.
Just kidding. I don't think so, no. I think such a religion would so clearly have God's support that no one could question it, and I have never seen evidence sufficient to compel my confidence in a given religion.
It's a good question, general.
At one time I would have answered "yes, mine!", being an ex jw.
Nowadays, I'm not a believer anyway, but I agree with Auld Soul, if god was giving his total support to one particular religion, one would think his selection would be obvious for all to see. I don't see any religion which stands out in front of all others as the one chosen by god.
Well, looking at this from a biblical point of view. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are the only true religion, as they are the only ones who have the correct doctrine, and the only ones who go house to house preaching. Ignoring the fact that they have false doctrine, I can't find anywhere that the bible actually says that having a proper understanding is even an identifying mark of a true worshipper.
James 1:27 says: 27 The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world. It is therefore my opinon, that a true religion would encourage it's members to look after people in need and follow God's commandments. This is all that is necessary for a true worshipper to do, and all it takes to be a true religion. I can't find anywhere that says preaching is a neccessity. If this is all it takes to be a true religion, then why would God choose just ONE to do this work? (I know one mark Jesus gives of a false religion: Luke 21:8. Who would that apply to?)The "God" of some religions do. The gods of others do not.
Man, if you look at it from the bibles view point, the one true religion got destroyed because they weren't doing it right!
I am struggling with this question as a result of my decision to delve deeper into the bible and my desire to truly ascertain the connatations of its verses. I have heard people on a regular basis in school call organized religion a sham and the belief in a God a sham. These are the very same people who glorify rationalistic reasoning based upon a materialistic philosphy as being surpreme. To me this view is one of arrogance and the many philosphers one reads such as Marx and Rousseau only present their views in terms of idealism. Even so, I can't see how people could even begin to hold such a view in the first place if one were to think abstractly about it, therefore, how can imperfect man produce perfect solutions would they not be inherently imperfect as a reflection of his own imperfect state?
I am really hung up on God's use of a faithful and discreet slave and the many biblical examples of using sherpards to manage his flock (Such as the apostle Paul overseeing the Christian congregations in the Meditterrean Region) on earth as shown by Matt. 24:45. To me this shows us that God does have an organization here on earth.
Does anyone have any insight they would like to share on this matter??
Sure thing, General. Consider the context of Matthew 24:45-47.
Is it referring to classes of people as Jehovah's Witnesses assert, or is it inviting everyone to prove whether they will be a faithful or evil slave? Consider verse 49:
"and should start to beat his fellow slaves..."
Plural. Each of the evil slave's fellows slaves is a singular individual. Are the fellow slaves individually faithful and discreet, or individually evil? Contextually, this passage goes right along with the ten virgins and the slaves with the talents (in Chapter 25)...the virgins individually proved discreet or not, the slaves individually proved faithful or not. Just read the context for what it says and ignore the Watchtower's dubious fantasy of interpretation and you will get it.
It was the same way with me. It is the JW doctrine that is blocking your comprehension, not what the Bible says or doesn't say.
Yes, He does! IMHO;
He sent His Son to earth and even announced this WAS His Son.....who HE approved. It would stand to reason that the "religion" the Son taught and ended up giving His very LIFE for all mankind to benefit from......would be this religion. God approves of Christianity.