JW told me today that I was bashing his religion

by moshe 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Holy Spirit
    The Holy Spirit
    Now why am I still here? I will leave when the Holy Spirit gives me leave. As a faithful lover of God and one he has given a warriors spirit too , I am often called to places I'd never go if given the choice. Its confirmed I was called here.

    I will stay till given leave to go by God, or until some administrator puts me off , having made the choice for you all , not to hear the truth. (wvpeach)

    As The Holy Spirit, I command you to leave.

  • parakeet

    From one birdie to another, welcome to the forum, Holy Spirit.

  • uwishufish

    Does The Holy Spirit ever use caps?

  • PopeOfEruke

    My snappy comeback is "Well, it's either bash your religion or bash YOU!! Which would you prefer, dumbass?"


  • uwishufish


    She probably didn't score to well on the MAT ( Miller's Analogy Test).

    And has a pocket gun just for fun.

    Or she may be a person who feels persecuited and threatened, bless her heart.

  • PopeOfEruke

    vwpeach has a nice line under their Profile:

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,' But by the moments that take our breaths away

    Thats' really very nice! I like it! Pope

  • uwishufish


    YOU ROCK!!!

  • jayhawk1

    The Holy Spirit is my wife, I talked her into joining and using that alias when I saw what wvpeach said. (Maybe it is only funny to me.)

  • uwishufish

    Good job jayhawk1 !!!

    What I ment by the caps remark was that you should have yelled it at her.

  • jayhawk1

    I will inform my wife of that in the future. I wanted her to use this pic for her avatar, but we reached a compromise.

    (We only have the one computer, so most times she lurks with me when we set here together.)

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