Does anyone know if they have to go out in service like the other JW's? Also, are the lawyers for the society JW's?
Does the Governing Body go out in service?
by megsmomma 11 Replies latest jw friends
Does anyone know if they have to go out in service like the other JW's?
I don't know firsthand by any means, but I would bet that they don't, at least not like the R&F. I'll also bet that if they do, it's only to give outward show of righteousness. Besides, they're GB jobs are so much more important than doing the preaching work directly, no?
Yes, they all go out in service. some more than others and the quality varies quite a bit too.
The lawyers and doctors go out too.
OOps. didn't answer your question correctly. The WTS has witness counsel and non-witness counsel. It depends on the case who is in charge and who works on what.
well, i just have to put in an a opinion here based on experience. no they do not. if one does accompany a publisher, it was only to analyze and suggest improvements to their teaching methods. ugggh! it has been many years since my association. But, even as a child, it was clear the jws are no more than a MLM company/society.
I believe the GB members who are too senile to know anything get a Watchtower pinned to their cardigan, and wheeled out onto the property where passer-bys can recieve his life-saving message. It's kinda like how JWs will tape a Watchtower on their car window and drive around.
Who are they now? Are there names listed anywhere?
Also, can we get Micheal Moore to do a documentary about the GB?
oh nos, i can remember a family car caravan to an assembly and all the adults were so reassured and happy seeing the wt mag pasted in the back windows. oooohhhh we have friends!!!
I just think of the GB as rarified elders. Think about the elders in your last congregation. Some (few) went out a lot; others were always going off by themselves with various KH "chores." GB members can count any of the time spent in public talks at the KH or conventions. (so can elders)
Think about the elders in your last congregation. Some (few) went out a lot; others were always going off by themselves with various KH "chores." GB members can count any of the time spent in public talks at the KH or conventions. (so can elders)
From what I heard and saw at Bethel this is spot-on. Some GB members go out more than others - just like regular elders - depending on their outward zeal. It varies with their personalities. I saw Swingle out in street work and if I didn't know his knobbly noggin by heart I would have mistaken him for a worn-out shoe salesman from the 1940s.