User sign-in issues

by Simon 13 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Simon

    Just a heads-up / status update - I'm still working on the issues so please don't think I've abandoned you if you still can't sign in and I haven't replied to your email.

    I will get things sorted out  and then we'll have the old gang back together.

    Thanks again to you all for your patience and perseverance while the teething problems are being ironed out

  • violias

    oh look , despite the fact I have a large warning ad telling me I must download a program before I can use my inbox--the inbox appears to be there. and I can post in Chrome without that malware Mindspring that I just removed from my computer.  I am now able to post in both Chrome and IE. IE is much faster it does not require the awful captulla's ( sp).  I have an Active button at the top, I'd say I'm OK. It does not look as homey as the other board. One thing that helped was you could see more threads on the Active page.  Unless everything crashes i think I am fine. I got to register again with an email address I now use and now have a real avatar.   I'd say that is not too bad.

  • Simon
    oh look , despite the fact I have a large warning ad telling me I must download a program before I can use my inbox--the inbox appears to be there. and I can post in Chrome without that malware Mindspring that I just removed from my computer.

    Just to be clear - nothing on this site prompts you to install anything, certainly not malware. The survey on the inbox is by Google and it's highly doubtful they would prompt you to install anything like that. There is never any reason to install anything when browsing this site. If you are being prompted then you likely already have malware. I regularly check Google and Microsoft webmaster tools for any malware warnings and it's all clear.

    One thing that helped was you could see more threads on the Active page.

    You can chose to see 20 topics on the active page - exactly the same number as before on the old site. Look for the 5 / 10 / 20 options toward the bottom right of any listing.

    Unless everything crashes i think I am fine. I got to register again with an email address I now use and now have a real avatar.   I'd say that is not too bad.

    I'm working on improving the robustness - it takes time to optimize things and the main priority right now is user sign-ins. But once those are sorted, expect the site to get faster and slicker.

  • violias


     I think you were right. I ran junk ware removal tool and other malware removal  programs and I had somehow allowed Mindspark onto Chrome. also had a wininit.ini  which I have no idea what is but the removal tool got it.   It is all gone now.

     the only hitch a lou  I am seeing is I have to sign in every time.  IE is nicer, it just asks me if I am a robot and  I say NO and it  auto fills in my passcode.  Chrome makes me fill  in the passcode and a captulua  every time.  I can't seem to find a way to stay signed on in either browser.  But that is not too bad.

     thanks for solving the Active issue. I have not tried out the message center b/c I think we are doing really well just to be online. 

    Merry Christmas Simon and family

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    We know you're working hard to resolve issues, Simon.

    Even with the minor issues like having to sign in each time I visit the site in a new browsing session, despite having checked the option to remember me, the new site is still an improvement from the previous one.

    I personally appreciate the readability of the posts. I can now zoom the page and still comfortably read entire lines in a post without having to scroll horizontally.

    Good work Simon!

  • ABibleStudent

    Thank you for working on the sign-in issues Simon.

    I can only sign-in by requesting a password reset.  I'm using Windows 7 and Google Chrome.  I have tried to sign in using either my user name or email address, neither worked.  The verification seems to work good.  I have not been able to verify whether the stay signed in option works yet.



  • wokeup
    Simon, thank you for fixing the bugs on my end!
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    we just need to wait on jar hoover--he will fix it in his own good time.
  • stillin
    Is there a post counter in this format? I don't see one and I always liked that before, to help recognize newbies and ones that have been around for a while.
  • poppers
    stillin, if you scroll over a poster's avatar it will show when someone has joined and how many posts they've made, as well as provide a "Message" button.

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