At least that's what my kid called me last night .... On another thread I explained I am getting phone calls from a JW bible student that is unhappy and confused with the witnesses .(She suffers from mental illness so I am trying to be very careful what I say to her .) Well now her sister is seeking my advice ! Last night her sister wanted to talk to me because she has resumed her study with witnesses ,But has some serious reservations . She wanted my input as to whether this is the " truth " or not . I honestly told her ,she would have to make that decision on her own . I did tell her to really think about the doubts she was having and weigh that against the Bible knowledge she already has . Her insight was very astute of the witnesses from her observation of the past three years associating with them : She has seen the witnesses lack of genuine love .( Is it only in this hall that members of certain families get favored treatment over others ?) She doesn't feel close to God any more and feels they do not support a true personal relationship w/God.( Her study conductor could not relate to her former feelings of being in God's presense during Prayer .) She is bothered by the emphasis to put numbers down on a peice of paper has become more important than the actual people they contact. Why is mercy not as important as making someone feel bad about a sin (like smoking ) I asked her why does she want to continue studying if she see's so many of these problems ? Her answer was because they have convinced her on so many other points such as Christmas being a Pagan celebration and her church never told her those things. Witnesses have also confused her by telling her "taking in accurate knowledge is the way to everlasting life ". Today was to be the day she resumed her study.......but I think after talking to her last night she probably has cancelled .
I am now the official JW rehabilitater
by troubled mind 12 Replies latest jw friends
No disrespect, I appreciate how your subtle approach would be great
with a current believer, but.....With the title "JW rehabilitater" I don't
think you need such a soft touch.She wanted my input as to whether this is the " truth " or not . I honestly
told her ,she would have to make that decision on her own .The correct answer is "NO, let me tell you why it is definitely NOT the truth."
Troubled, you did good. Now, if she calls you again direct her to this internet site or or something.
If this girl has access to the internet, why not encourage her to research the group and find out others' opinions? It's true that you can find a negative opinion for any group in the world, but why not feed her a few simple search terms?
I know it is hard to balance respecting a person's personal religious choice with what you know... but when they are needing information and asking you for it, I think it is the permission you need to direct them to solid answers. It's an open door... walk thru it.
So far so good. I understand where OnTheWayOut is coming from, as you do seem to have soft-peddled it, but it seems you got the message across, which is the main thing.
On the Xmas front it may be worth asking, "if it's so pagan why do all Christians celebrate it? Are they really so ignorant as to be intentionally flouting the will of their God?"
I think you did well. I would probably have given her a few reasons why I no longer feel it's the truth, but apart from that I would have done similar to you.
troubled mind
I don't know if she can access the internet because she is blind. I think she is already on the right path to reasoning that the witnesses are not all they say they are . I am trying to be careful what I say because it will get back to the Elders, and I am trying not to be labeled an apostate for my other childrens sake. But I have no problem explaining to her personal feelings of relief, and that I do not feel condemned by God for quitting .
I don't know if she can access the internet because she is blind.
The blind have access to talking computers. I remember working with a lady that was blind from birth. She had the talking computer way back when they were dinosaurs. One day she didn't hit the keys right and the computer said "f*ck". She started laughing!
on the xmas thing i'd let her know that the jw religion itself has pagan roots ..the numerology, pyramidology etc.
I understand the caution. You did fine, then. If she speaks to you again, tell her that you personally don't have access to all the information because you are not allowed by the WTS to look at critical information that could be found simply by googling "Watchtower" or "Jehovah's Witnesses." You can say that you are not allowed to question the organization's stand on certain doctrines nor their change of those same doctrines, you must accept what they say as coming from God, unless it was wrong, then it came from the Governing Body's imperfect understanding, but NOW they have it right.
Again, no offense, I forgot that you have things to lose, just as I have family in the cult. I didn't consider how it might get back to the elders, I would be just as cautious (and I am cautious).