BALANCING the differences between IMAGINATION and what is REAL in kids

by Terry 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Every baby born seems to have a giant helping of fairy stories, talking animals, outrageous exaggerations parading as "fact" and an endless stream of cartoons, science fiction and make-believe. The laws of nature and physics are violated every few seconds in film and tv! Is it surprising that children are not only ignorant of HOW THINGS REALLY WORK-but, they don't have patience and an appetite for fact when they get to the schoolroom. This certainly affects how they will react when they meet a religious salesman out to land a convert!

    People don't seem to mind starting out with the premise that has already smuggled God into the picture! After all, how many children get to begin life without being exposed to every kind of fantastic story? We pour fiction into a child's mind and they develop the sweet taste of it. Is it any wonder the concept of God is so readily grasped and held deep inside?

    When a Jehovah's Witness comes peddling a "better" fantasy that avoids Hell and provides a Paradise Solution to all life's problems---well, who wouldn't buy such a tale?

    I assert that by filling little children full of fantasy and fiction from their very start we are poisoning their capacity to tolerate REALITY. Fantasy tastes better. It is a sugar-coated world.

    Make your best arguments pro and con.

    What do YOU think?

    I started the above topic 2 years ago and was hit with an avalanche of nasty opposition that rained fire and brimstone upon my widdle head.

    I'm wondering if I pull out the provocative wording and replace it with more neutral framing if that wouldn't produce a less violent reaction.

    Let me try.


    FANTASY IS A GOOD THING! Having a great imagination is wonderful too! And, the joy of watching a child develop both the imagination and a fun sense of fantasy is one of the best parts of being a parent.

    For one thing it stimulates an appetite for learning and makes taking in information less of an uphill battle.

    Naturally, we as prudent and cautious caretaker's of our child's learning process, we never want to blur the edges between what is actually true and what is merely make-believe. Of course not!

    Perhaps it would be wise to reflect on a question of "How much is too much" where make-believe is concerned. Can too much of a good thing be possible? Can it have unwanted side-effects?

    If we fast forward to adolescence and look at the average teenager in our society today do we detect anything excessive about the indulgence in fantasy and pure make-believe?

    We'd be fooling ourselves if we didn't see a strong tendency toward several behaviors which crowd out the more rational pursuits.

    Among these excesses I'd put these few forward for discussion:

    1.Video Gaming

    2.Pop Music

    3.Fan Fiction


    I'll stop there. Nothing wrong per se with any of the above. But, I'd like to take a look at why there may be an over-indulgence timewise on the part of many. This leaves little time for real world progress in personal responsibility to develop an education, develop social skills, earn a living and provide for everyday needs like food, shelter and clothing.

    Can there be any link between excessive (i.e. too much time spent) fantasy in childhood and a seeming addiction to the above four pursuits?

    The plunge into superstitious belief systems such as Wicca, Goth, religious mania, etc.; could these be symptoms as well? A failure or inability to separate the imaginary from the actual can reduce one's skillset in keeping the mind clear on what is real (and important) and what isn't.

    I'm not saying DEFINITIVELY that this is the case, mind you. I'm just ASKING your opinion.

    What do YOU think?

  • SixofNine

    "Can there be any link between excessive (i.e. too much time spent) fantasy in childhood and a seeming addiction to the above four pursuits?"

    It's possible I suppose, but my guess would be that if there is a relationship between the behaviors, the relationship is most likely due to an inherent personality trait that leans to the fantasy world.

    The other thing to consider, is that video gaming, pop music, fan fiction, and anime don't really require much fantasy at all to be enjoyed. They may not be important things, but they are real, tangible things in and of themselves.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    C.S. Lewis the novelist had a couple of great quotes on this subject. As he puts it, “Invention is essentially different from reverie.” and my favorite ....“In my daydreams I was training myself to be a fool, but in mapping and chronicling Animal-Land (the land of make believe his brother and he created in their attic as youths) I was training myself to be a novelist.”

  • Warlock

    Among these excesses I'd put these few forward for discussion:

    1.Video Gaming

    2.Pop Music

    3.Fan Fiction


    I'll stop there. Nothing wrong per se with any of the above. But, I'd like to take a look at why there may be an over-indulgence timewise on the part of many. This leaves little time for real world progress in personal responsibility to develop an education, develop social skills, earn a living and provide for everyday needs like food, shelter and clothing.


    Are you sure your not still a 'Dub. This would make part of a good W.T. study. The only thing you would have to change is what comes after "This leaves little time for.............." and just substitute things like "personal study" "field service"................etc.


  • lowden
    I'd like to take a look at why there may be an over-indulgence timewise on the part of many.

    I don't think there's any corollation between a person becoming lost in fantasy as an adult and how much fantasy ( id est, fairie stories and the like) they are exposed to as a child.

    How much an adult becomes lost in fantasy is mostly down to the type of person that they are, such as an addictive or obsessive individual.

    Being lost in fantasy is just a term. A person that has a gambling problem is lost in fantasy. As is a person that can't tear themselves away from a certain 'soap opera' or any other television programme. I don't think any of the above types of people are that way inclined due to being fed too much Spiderman or Grimm's Fairie Tales.

    By the way, i have 3 sons. 19, 16, and 14 years old.



  • Terry


    Are you sure your not still a 'Dub. This would make part of a good W.T. study. The only thing you would have to change is what comes after "This leaves little time for.............." and just substitute things like "personal study" "field service"................etc.


    Ahh, my first gamer reply!

  • Terry

    I don't think there's any corollation between a person becoming lost in fantasy as an adult and how much fantasy ( id est, fairie stories and the like) they are exposed to as a child.

    How much an adult becomes lost in fantasy is mostly down to the type of person that they are, such as an addictive or obsessive individual.

    Sounds like predestination.

    Are you saying we have no control at all over developing useful vs wasteful habits?

    Training and a strict regimen builds athletes and musicians, why does it fail in our leisure pursuits?

  • Terry

    Hmmmm, I find it very interesting that when I don't phrase my topic controversially the thread dies off. I wonder why?

    Take a minute and read over the old responses and how violent they were!!

    Do you have any kids??..People got choked with you the last time you posted this..Gee,I wonder why??..Imagination is a wonderfull gift!!!!!..It allows you to see the things that can be!..Elvis used to be the root of all evil..Grow up!..Learn from the children...OUTLAW

  • Terry
    Do you have any kids??..People got choked with you the last time you posted this..Gee,I wonder why??..Imagination is a wonderfull gift!!!!!..It allows you to see the things that can be!..Elvis used to be the root of all evil..Grow up!..Learn from the children...OUTLAW

    I have seven wonderful kids. Most of them are grown now. I have four girls and three boys.

    I notice there is some churlish tone to your reply. That is more like the old posts!

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