"Evidence God's Kingdom is Near" - Dec 06 Awake

by yaddayadda 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    IF Jesus "returned" in 1914 and has taken the throne and has been on the job 92 years---what they heck has the old boy got to show for his rule?

    Things pretty much go along as they have all through history. Bad times; good times; indifferent times.

    IF Jesus is somehow "directing" the preaching work through the Watchtower Society he has certainly directed a lot of blind alley predictions, changes in policy flipping and flopping and getting mixed up about fundamental subjects which you'd think the Son of Man would have a better understanding.

    In short, Jesus has made a mess of the Kingdom of God. Let's just be honest about it!

    If you judge how great a leader is by what kind of job he does we'd have to conclude Jesus is a lousy leader.


    Maybe the Watchtower is WRONG.

    Take your choice. Here are the options:

    1.Jesus came back and started ruling and has done nothing much but botch his messege about the Kingdom.

    2.Jesus didn't come back and the Watchtower is merely wrong about that too.

    Which seems more rational and conforms to the observable facts?

  • Golf
  • Golf

    Question, near 'what?' For me, I've been hearing this 'near' since the late forties. How much evidence do we need when you consider the evidence began in 1914? Hmmmm, another 71/2 years it will be one hundred years of evidence!!!!!


  • garybuss

    Witnesses like my parents read in the Watchtower magazine that the world had ended in 1914. Now, the end of the world hasn't even happened yet. In my opinion, that's a HUGE change of doctrine to be accepted as truth without comment.

    Think about it. One day the world had ended, the next day the world had not ended yet. This was all done with a straight face and anybody who stayed a Witness after this was an idiot.


    Terry..Funny post.....The end has been near,since Custer died at little Big Horn.That was the first year the Watchtower was printed..It`s still getting closer..Elsewhere said waiting for armageddon is like waiting for a man with a protate problem to pee..It`s coming,It`s coming..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Terry and friends.. you guys are funny

    Truth is the WT has NO idea how the kingdom is going to come or when.. as they DON'T HAVE GOD'S SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!

    Math. 24:48 "but if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, 'My master is delaying,' and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know.'

  • looking_glass

    I think that is how they get new ones and keep old ones. If you keep crying THE END IS COMING (soon) then you will get attention and people who are unhappy in their lives will gather to hear what you have to say. Those who are in will keep where they are in the hopes that this just might be the day/month/year that they will see it happen.

    They have to keep up the war cry otherwise they would not be JWs. Remember the "Peace and Security" cry. And then the UN said peace and security and there was a whole assembly about it .... fast forward almost 20 years later and look we are still here. Wow, how amazing is that. But once again, the JWs don't think of the past unfulfilled prophecies. The seem to have selective memory. They select the things they wish to remember and forget the rest.

    The downside is that a number of us who have quietly walked away but have family members still in ... this crap gets them all worked up and then we get lectured and harassed.

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