Hi everyone

by iamfreenow 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • iamfreenow

    Hi everyone,

    I haven't posted for a while, but my friend Linda (fullofdoubtnow) has kept me updated with what's been happening on the board, so I've been with you all in spirit. I've managed to keep myself fairly busy since leaving the Witnesses though. I am attending a couple of evening classes, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, keeping busy on former meeting nights, and I have been going to church on Sundays, something I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd do at the beginning of this year!

    I've been taking a class on Tuesdays on computers, which I found hard going at first, and still isn't easy, I suppose I'm not technically minded, but I'm loving my Thursday class, which is on creative writing. Having said that, I'd rather be struggling through a computer lesson than attending the School and Service Meeting at the Kingdom Hall on a Tuesday! I've been to a few churches since I left the JWs, but the last few weeks I've been going to the same one, and eem to "fit in" there. It's a Baptist Church not far from where I live, and the congregation are very friendly, and don't put any pressure on me to "do more". I go on Sunday mornings, and apart from telling me I would be welcome at the other meetings, they don't press me to attend. How differrent from what I've been used to for so long!

    I have been shunned a few times by my former friends, which hurts, as I've known some of them all their lives, but I knew what to expect when I left the Witnesses, so I don't feel anger towards them, more pity as they are still trapped by the Watchtower and its false doctrines, whereas I am free of those things. My JW son shunned me initially, and refused to let me see my grandchildren, but the last few weeks he has relented, and has brought the children round to see me, and I am so happy about that, particularly as his wife did not agree with what he is doing, but he stood up to her and did it anyway. I don't think the elders pprove either, but he seems not to care about that either, so maybe there's hope for him yet!

    That's a little update on me, I hope to be able to post a little more soon.

    All my love

    Marion xxxx

  • Latte

    Good for you Marion!

    I did the same when I left...enroled on a few classes - time much better spent! eh?

    Funny funny that you should now be attending a Baptist chuch...my uncle & auntie are well into it - have been for many years. I do find them a bit overly into it sometimes, but they stress that there is no pressure.

    All the best!


  • Abandoned

    Computers and Creative Writing? Good for you. If you ever want any positive-oriented critiquing of your work, pm me. I'm not an expert, but I love to encourage anyone who feels a tug from their creative side. (((iamfreenow)))

    You sound like your getting on with your post-trauma life. I'm happy for you and I hope your son and grandchildre are able to break free as well.

  • bubble


    How does it feel having reached the big six oh?

  • iamfreenow

    Hi Latte, I am quite enjoying both my classes and life at the Baptist Church. There are peole there who I actually preached to when I was a JW, so you can imagine their surprise when they saw me walk in for the first time, but they're getting used to me now.

    Abandoned, thankyou for that, I am loving the writing couse, and I will certainly contact you. Lnda has offerred to put some of the things I have written on to her pc, as I haven't got one of my own yet. I haven't written a lot yet, but I do enjoy writing, so I will be in touch soon.

    Bubble, thankyou for the birthday wish, this is the first I have ever celebrated! It's fine being 60, I can recommend it!



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