Yes, how are you?
Haven't been here for a while, did ya miss me?
by mrsjones5 18 Replies latest jw friends
Glad to see your back - glad to see your front too! Your still on the goddamn phone?
One of my wifes co-workers (xjw) found a tract in her door that said something like 'sorry we missed you. If you would like a free home BS, please leave a note below and we will be back later. She wrote "I am apostate" and left the note out. She came home and found the tract with a note below her response that said "Shame on you".
Anyone else aware of this tract approach? I have not heard of it before.
Hi Josie!
I missed ya girl. How's your family doing? ES in Australia went in today to have her baby girl induced. I haven't checked to see what the latest is.
And........ I never got a KN tract. Read it at their site. What a bunch of hypocrites! I just had to laugh as they are so good at pointing the finger when they themselves are guilty of the same.
Look forward to your postings.
Hugs, Juni
Why yes, I have missed you and wondered where you were hiding.
A big THANK YOU and kiss for all of your lovely responses.
The kids are doing well and the family on the whole is chuggin along. Haven't spoke to my parents since blow up last June, that kinda bugs me but it's nice the peace that noncommunication can bring.
Halloween was great and now gearing up for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and snow.
I've been singing the song for months. I'm glad you finally responded.
Josie said:
Haven't spoke to my parents since blow up last June, that kinda bugs me but it's nice the peace that noncommunication can bring
And you do owe your children a peaceful homelife w/o the strain of non reasonable people. Your kids know when mom and dad are stressed out about stuff and that affects their behavior which in turn affects what you do about their behavior. Just causes unnecessary strain in the household.
Enjoy the holidays sweetie w/your family!!
Hugs, Juni
Yes, I've thought about how. Glad to see you are all well.
I don't log in as often either. Life beckons. Who knew there was so much life to live...offline!?
Incidently, I was able to get yahoo messenger up and running again. {{EVIL APOSTATE LAUGH}} We should try to get a room going again. Of course, we can't make 'user rooms', yet we CAN find a 'yahoo room' with minimal chatters and somehow get the word out that there is a 'religious room' that JWS can chat. LOL Those were the days jonesy.
Anyhoot, yes, I disappear offline for days at a time lately. Sometimes the longer I stay offline, the better. Ya know?
{{{{{{{ hugs entire family....give hugs from twurls }}}}}
Yep, those were the days *sigh*
Keep me posted girlfriend.
Hugs and kisses to you and yours,