LOL, that would be amazing news if Neanderthals ever actually existed, which they never did. Hey, why don't they do a DNA sequence on Bigfoot.
News - Neanderthal DNA 99.5% Like Ours
by Satanus 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So what happened to Neanderthals? All I've ever seen is they became extinct as late as 24,000 years ago. You should maybe do a little more least one of them is in the Geico commercials. I'll have the roast duck with the mango salsa...
Some people still think science is all bunk when it tells us something different from from thier fundy biblical indoctrination. They think Scientist are in some type of conspiracy to deny God's existance. They fail to take a closer look at science because they have already made up thier mind.
LOL, that would be amazing news if Neanderthals ever actually existed, which they never did. Hey, why don't they do a DNA sequence on Bigfoot. So are you ignorant or just stupid? Probably a combination of both combined with a grade 4 education? Yes thats right, its all part of the evolutionist hoax, or satan trying to mislead us! All the fossil evidence, the archaelogical evidence, the artwork, artifacts and tools, the evolutionists PLANTED it there as part of some diabolical scheme! Do some research before talking out of your ass about scientific evidence you are neither aware of, nor are capable of comprehending.
Neander Valley, is where I live. Close to the original place where the bones were found there is a museum today. It is no longer a valley, the chalk hills have all disappeared.
Oh come now! Can you imagine some woman lettin this fellow take her to bed?
I would also add, that they have already sequenced the mtDNA of Neanderthal man. Very fascinating stuff, really a big step forward for genomics. Of course, they very scary interesting idea here, is being able to being one back.
Hey, who gimped my thread? Kid-A, is it possible to perhaps move one of those pics to a separate post? They have spread the window too wide to fit on the screen, making it hard to read. Thanks.
I knew a jw lady who didn't believe that dinos existed.
I knew a jw lady who didn't believe that dinos existed.
That's cuz she went against what the Governing Body of New York City believes about Dino's cuz they even got pictures of them in my pretty orange Paradise Lost books front inside cover of some baraunasaurises and a penisarusrectimus dino.......and I'll bet she's an immoral jezebel actin apostate witch!!!!!
*gets that off his chest*