My husband is back in the hospital

by MsMcDucket 21 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • parakeet

    You're certainly getting more than your fair share of troubles lately, MsMcDucket. (((((((hugs)))))))

  • confusedjw

    I'm sorry for his trouble and glad he has someone to care about him. Get well Mr.MsMcDucket

  • unique1

    So sorry to hear that. I hope all goes well today.

  • juni

    Know that I'm thinking of you and your husband Ms.McDucket.

    Please keep us informed when you can.

    Goodness, when it rains it pours!

    Hugs with love,


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    {{{{Mr&Ms McDucket}}}}

    May he recover quickly and come home soon!

  • MsMcDucket

    Hello everyone and thanks for the well wishes. Hubby is still in the hospital. After doing the colonoscopy, they were still unable to find the source of the bleeding. After receiving the fourth unit of blood, his hemoglobin today is around 9.2. He's feeling better, but is still weak. We are concerned about the doctors not being able to find the source of the bleeding. I don't want to bring him home until they do; but the doctor said that it was probably just a blood vessel that burst that has started to heal over.

    My husband was happy that they let him eat today! That's a good sign! His appetite is back.

    My twin daughters (the dubs) have visited their dad everyday, and they will sit with him when I need to leave the room. We have to be careful what we say around them so as not to offend them; and I can't watch the movies that I want to watch when they are around. It's a small price to pay because they are being assistive to their dad.

    Well, that's all for now.

    Talk to you all later. I hope! Take care!

  • Quandry

    I will be thinking of you. I spent many days and nights in the hospital with my mother. She came through some harrowing operations and is still here at 83. You can rest assured that God sees the care you give your husband and is pleased. We have a treasure if we have family that loves us.

  • bebu

    ((((MsD & Hubby))))

    I really hope things will get better for him soon, and that the bleeding stops completely. You really have had more than your fair share of trials! My prayers go out to you both.


  • MsMcDucket

    The doctors let my husband come home this evening. His hemoglobin is around 9.3, but the bleed appears to have stopped. They want us to call in on Monday to schedule for further studies. Hubby is glad to back home. He feels better. I will be keeping an eye on him.

  • LeslieV

    I can imagine that you are glad he is home. Please let your hubby know that we are thinking of you both.


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