A NEW thread for ALL Atheistic ex-dubs---

by gordon d 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    My first post since being reinstated (not JW but on the board)

    I think that mean people are not very nice...
    That hypocrites should consider that they might be behaving foolishly...
    And everyone should have the right to believe whatever they want...
    ....and That is ALL that I think!

    Oh, wait.. one more thing.. I think that it is wise for a person to examine themselves constantly!

    But I would MUCH rather know what YOU think!


  • megsmomma

    Hi Gord,

    When you get reinstated we are all supposed to hurry up to talk to you to show how loving we all are, right??

    My hubby tells me all the time that I still have the JW mentality....and I feel that I need to let everyone know what the truth about the troof is....and then go on to "preach" what I now believe....cause it brought me happiness. However, life is each persons journey and I am being like you and letting everyone believe whatever they want to.

    Glad you are back!

  • Mulan

    I have this saying over my desk, as a constant reminder.


    So, I completely agree with you. While I tend to be somewhat of an atheist, I just don't know what is the real truth, so I am open to new information. I believe Jesus was a great philosopher, well worth following. I try to live by his teachings, even though I absolutely do not believe he was divine in any sense. (no more than Dr. Phil, who is also a great philosopher)

  • Caedes


    Perhaps this will be of some use to you... http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~ebeach/deity.html

    If not I have the official god faq if that's any help... http://www.400monkeys.com/God/

    No need to thank me

  • Terry

    Were I entirely intellectually honest I'd be an atheist. However, I cannot be. I still search for evidence and find only the lamest of arguments.

    Actually, I'd be a deist if it weren't for the simply ridiculous apologists and their half-baked "proofs" that bolster belief.

    If believers would be more open about how there isn't any logical reason to believe in god I wouldn't feel this way.

    But, there is a certain looking-down-the-nose attitude that seems unavoidable for them.

    The whole idea of "Faith" worn as a badge of honor is mind-boggling. How can you take pride, I ask myself, in stubbornly insisting something is so when there is no good reason for it and only an emotional need for it?

    But, I also feel the god-sized hole in the middle of my life that once was filled with a super-sized invisible friend named Jehovah. My imagination put him there and reality popped the bubble and made him vanish.

    So, I'm agnostic. But, I'm an honest agnostic. I read as much religious literature as I can from all sides. That is the best I can do. I cannot pray. That is nonsensical to ask the empty sky to prove somebody lives in it.

    If god wants me he can ring my doorbell; he knows my address. (Now watch two publishers arrive and offer me the Watchtower! )

  • kid-A

    "So, I'm agnostic. But, I'm an honest agnostic. I read as much religious literature as I can from all sides. That is the best I can do. I cannot pray. That is nonsensical to ask the empty sky to prove somebody lives in it."

    Fair enough Terry, but one cant help but wonder if you are equally open to the possibility that leprechauns, Santa Clause, The Great Pumpkin and Peter the Rabbit exist? There is as much evidence for these literary creations as there is for god, also a literary creation and social construction.

    Given that you are cognizant that the psychological vacuum you feel after giving up the belief in god is, at its core, an emotional rather than logical reaction, I cant help but wonder why one would bother to seek out "evidence" for a hypothetical being? Worse, why one would "read as much religious literature" as one can, given that these subjective reports can not and will not ever prove the case either way? There either is a god, or there is not. The middle ground is simply a state of willful denial.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hey!..... Don't hate the REF!

    Kinda' makes me think of a football game:

    Atheist on one side, heading to the left... Religionist on the other side, heading to the right...
    There still needs to be those guys wondering around in the middle, who have no real agenda about who wins, they just wanna observe the whole happening... and make the calls.

    And please... for "Gourd's" sake! Leave the Great Pumpkin out of this... or YOU may find YOURSELF on the wrong end of HIS wrath!!!

  • under_believer

    Do you consider this, like, your ministry or something? What is your goal with this Gordon?

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hi Under, Do you consider this, like, your ministry or something? What is your goal with this Gordon? Sorry... I don't understand what you're asking about... is it the last post, this thread, or my posting, in general?

  • under_believer

    I guess I was referring to your atheist-baiting (or whatever it is--your engaging of atheists on their atheism).

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