Just had a buddy up to the ranch.This is his story:.....A friend of mine saw his dog with a dead animal in his mouth covered in dirt..It was a dead bunny..Not any dead bunny..This was the nieghbours family pet bunny..My friend was shocked and didn`t know what to do.He knew the nieghbours would get very upset that his dog had killed their pet bunny..The nieghbours weren`t home right now,so he came up with a plan..He cleaned the dirt off of the dead bunny and put it back in it`s pen and hurried home..A little while later,the nieghbours came home..A few days later my friend and his nieghbour had a chat..The nieghbour was angry and upset..The nieghbour said:"Last week our family pet bunny died.The kids were upset and cried.So me and the Mrs thought we`d have a funeral for the bunny with the kids and give it a nice burial..Well,a few days ago,some sick bastard dug the bunny out of the grave and put it in it`s pen."..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Is a Dead Bunny Funny?
by OUTLAW 33 Replies latest jw friends
Actually, that story is funny!
LOL! That is funny.
I don't care who you are...that's funny right there.
What a twist to that story! Kind of like an Alfred Hitchcock short story. Do you know who that is?
Juni..I think Alfred Hitchcock would have done one of his TV shows about it..Ya,that is a story with an unexpected twist..I`m still laughing..LOL!!...OUTLAW
I did giggle--so I guess it's funny! But, if it happened to me, I would be worried that there was a weirdo in my neighborhood!
Dude, that is sick. When I was helping a friend clean her house, we found a dead bunny on her laminate in the living room. It didn't stink until you got real close. It was so weird because there was like a halo of fuzz 1/2 inch all around the body, like when a mushroom starts to break stuff down.
An interesting version of "the rabbit died".
Warlock..Whats the story of "The Rabbit died."?...OUTLAW