Thanks Blondie. Haven't gone through it yet but I have a problem. I don't know if it's just my PC but the first part of your post appears only when the thread is opening. Once the thread finishes loading the first half disappears. In order to view the whole thing I have to click on it to view it as an individual post. So if anyone else has the same issue, just click on the subject of blondie's post itself and select "view".
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-19-06 WT Study (Hope/Jehovah)
by blondie 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Just went over it. It's pretty sad how manipulative it really is. Twisting Paul's message in paragraph 8 to read that your hope totally rests on your endurance. Read Romans 5 (in various translations) and you will see nothing of the sort. Then going on to shamelessly dangle the carrot and level guilt at every turn...
compound complex
Hi Blondie,
Errors on page are preventing your comments on "nonchalant" from reappearing. Drat! I hope I'm not reiterating what has already been posted. Regardind V's comments on 'Keeping and Remaining CHALANT', I looked up "nonchalant" in both my English and French dictionaries. More etymological information in Webster than in Larousse!
NONCHALANT: non, not/chaloir, to care for, to concern oneself with; from Latin calere, to be warm or ardent.
So, to apply this info to V's coinage, the thought is to 'Keep Warm and Caring' and to 'Remain Concerned', etc. This certainly puts a positive spin on a word that is the ultimate in cool and indifferent. Simply delete the "non".
Chalantly yours,
Thanks Blondie. Haven't gone through it yet but I have a problem. I don't know if it's just my PC but the first part of your post appears only when the thread is opening. Once the thread finishes loading the first half disappears. In order to view the whole thing I have to click on it to view it as an individual post. So if anyone else has the same issue, just click on the subject of blondie's post itself and select "view".
Same here. Maybe there's some sort of post limit...?
Anyhow. Man am I glad that I'm sick and going to miss this meeting. Sounds like a heavy indoctrination session. Especially since they have to have [the dreaded inserts] to take an otherwise encouraging scripture and modify it for the Great Masses.
Yah and those people that work extra hours to pay the congregation bills don't get any mention or thanks . The apostle Paul stressed hard work never letting your hands be Non chalant . It's apparent the WTBTS thinks they will lose control of it's members if they don't make every meeting and participate , at some point they will have to draw the line , either pay the bills at the kingdub hall or start using flash lights and dress warm on cold days or work hard to pay those bills since education is out it will be labor paying for it . I agree 100 per cent that the christian hope is the kingdom of the heavens , so it's sounding like their previous dogma of 2 heavenly classes was more accurate than the crap they come up with now . They did miscontrue alot scripture to come to their conclusions. The paradise earth was for the ancient jews and the second resurrection after the millenial reign . So to me what the WTBTS is saying is that you will die but be resurrected to see the paradise earth and will not be here for the millenial reign. Revelation 7 shows the great crowd escaping Gods wrath by entering the kingdom. IMO
we're having turkey, 18 pounds ,with some family. I love roast turkey mmmmmmmmmm I wonder if the ancient christians could eat stuff sacrificed to idols then why does the WTBT have a problem with turkey on NOV 23 ?
Good review Blondie, it is very obnoxious of them to want everyone to think of Paradise as they portray it in their silly drawings. How limited is their hope, I can now see how materialistic they are.
1 Corinthians 2:9 However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"
Besides, Paradise is not an Earthly domain, but heavenly!
2 Cor 12:1 I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. 3 And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— 4 was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell.
Much love Children of God
They focus on how hope is realistic, and wishes are not. Then they tell us all about Moses how he was a proper example, his faith and hope, and how it helped him to do what Jehovah wanted.
Yet... they don't remember us that MOSES never was rewarded for his hope. He didn't get into the promised land.
Do you meditate on the Paradise scenes depicted in our publications? Such regular reflection might be likened to cleaning a window that affords a magnificent view. If we neglect to clean the glass, soon dirt and grime will rob us of the scene's clarity and appeal. Other things may then capture our attention. May we never allow that to happen!
Do you meditate on the Paradise scenes depicted in our publications? Such regular reflection might be likened to cleaning a mind to afford a controlled view. If we neglect to clean the mind, soon information and thinking ability will rob us of the organizations clarity and appeal. Other things may then capture our attention. May we never allow that to happen!
Yah lol they are the ones that took the seat of moses claiming they would lead to the promised land , so far lost in the desert for 120 yrs. Nobody else is allowed to play moses in the church so how can they say be like moses when you'd only get df'd for doing so? LMAO How come it's never, be like jesus christ ? Moses boasted in himself and got into big trouble so perhaps they are more like moses than they think.