What can 25,000 members on this board do?
Have you ever wanted to do something really great and re-
ceive recognition for it?
One thing that many of us on this board have in common is
that we were associated with the same organization and
some of us learned a number of things both inside and out-
side the organization.
Assessing the boards skills base
With a talent pool of 25,000 individuals have you
ever thought about the skills that some individuals
on this board possess? How about your own skills?
Following worthwhile pursuits
Did you ever want to write a book? Scriptwriter
a movie? Or, start a business venture?
Could you imagine if some of us were to unite in
pursuing a worthwhile project how success-
ful we would be?
The life skills that you have acquired?
If you ever wanted to pursue a dream and make that
dream become a reality what skills have you acquired
in life to make that dream come true?
Personally, I have a background in finance, design,
and writing for the web? What are some of your
Please list any skills and talents that you acquired
inside or outside of the organization.
The Wanderer