How would you describe spacecraft, extraterrestrial beings and futuristic weapons and technology if you could only use a non technical language like that of the ancient Jews?
Describe an Spacecraft
by Woodsman 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This is going to be about Chariots of Fire isn't it.
If everyone contributes as you did it won't be about anything. I was asking because a program I saw on the history channel developed the topic and I never heard anyone here discuss it. So I was looking to see if there was anyone here with an opinion.
Oh, I've not seen the discovery channel thing. Wasn't there a book about Jesus being a space man many years ago?
Little Drummer Boy
I was asking because a program I saw on the history channel developed the topic
Ya know, this may make me seem kind of silly, but I actually probably have the History Channel to thank for my being DAd right now. A few years back I began to watch a few of the shows that dealt with the historicity (is that a word?) and accuracy of the Bible and other alternate theories like UFOs being the cause of the ancient religious experiences. At the time, I didn't know anything about scandals in the org. and I hadn't thought through the doctrinal issues. The History Channel started to poke holes in my wt armor.
Anyway, I hope this thread gets the response you are looking for.
As for my opinions on the subject, it certainly seems reasonable to me that ancient peoples would describe ET visitations and technology as being godlike. Not that I belive in aliens, but I am prepared to believe in little green men who can warp the space time continuum and fly around in anti-grav space craft before I'll believe in jehoobee.
Since i don't know hebrew, i wonder how feasable this is. If it was doable, then i would use laguage like we use today. After all, the ot god is supposed to be really smart, and he is supposed to have conveyed the thoughts that went into the bible. In other words, the bible would have been outstanding in the area of science, even in todays world.
And I saw a great fire in the sky (ships), and creatures that looked like man (aliens) came to me and spoke in the language of the Gods (alien language). They showed me great things before my eyes (television screen), of large villages (cities) and great power of distruction (nuclear bombs) and told me to warn the people for our path was not one they accepted or would allow. Then they went back into the great fire (ship) and the roar of lions (rockets) lifted them up and back to the heavens they went (space).
I never read Chariots of the Gods but if it is anything like the observations made at this site it would be interesting. Even when I was a Witness I thought the many Bible verses would make more sense if God and the Angels were extraterrestials.
Vormek 4.20
Ezekiel's wheel was most likely a Spaceship. Whether it was driven by good angels or wicked angels is still being debated. There was a poster on this site a while back who was very knowledgeable about the various celestial chariots driven by the Lords of Heaven. I'll try to find the links for you. Fascinating stuff.
I am amazed where are all the naysayers? Why have they not called you ever thing but sane?
I think that aliens came down and took their DNA and produced us. I have read several ancients books that have been translated into English that are much older than the bible. I can see by how the ancients talked they were not talking about the Angels as see them but Space Aliens. There is much information found recently that shows how smart the Babylonians actually were. Way beyond what I think is possible with out outside influence from an advanced race.
Now we well see the naysayer come out of hiding and slam me for what I think.