"cough, cough"
The Governing Body said it ... are you ready !!!!!!!!!!!!
by run dont walk 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"We the governing body are confident that Armageddon is close, and are ready for Jehovah's Day, ARE YOU READY ???""
Sounds like the same old BS. Nothing new here.... The end is near! Any day now! It's very close!
Forgive me for upstaging, but at my grandmother's funeral, the dolt that gave the talk actually told the audience that the latest coppies of the Asleepand Watchwanker would be available to non-dubs at he back of the chapel. If my buds hadn't held me in my seat, I would have shit-kicked him into "his" new-system.
compound complex
Dear Blondie,
"Besides the GB was sure the end was coming in 1975." If you catch this, I wasn't sure of your reference to "GB" as 1975 seemed to be Fred Franz's theory and the GB came about after the deposing of Franz and Knorr. Do you recall Duane Magnani's accusation in a phone conversation with Franz? Heard it either in the Chretien's video on JWs or that on "The Non-Prophet Organization". Thanx for clarification.
Questioningly yours,
What the JW speaker said:
"We (a group of elders), had the oppourtunity to speak with a member of the governing body at the assembly, and He said : 'We the governing body are confident that Armageddon is close, and are ready for Jehovah's Day, ARE YOU READY ???'"
What the JW speaker meant:
"All you apostates and unbelievers here today to grieve the loss of a loved one should understand this: We the JWs are confident that Armageddon is close. ARE YOU READY TO DIE?????"
This kind of callous behavior is why I've promised myself never to set foot in a KH again for any reason whatsoever. -
How insensitive to say this to a "captive" audience. Only those of us on the outside can see it for what it is. The JWs would view this as a wonderful witness to all of those awful "worldly" people attending.
At my Mom's funeral, just a few days after the Watchtower's Governing Body killed her with their "God told us He'd be much happier if you died rather than get a blood transfusion," the local elders used my Mom one more time -- for advertising purposes.
Advertise, the Good news of God's Kingdom !
Please...feel frre to contact any of Jehovah's Witnesses to arrange a *Free Home Bible Study and learn more about God's coming Paradise.
* DISCLAIMER: "Free" means no direct money cost. Although, what you learn may kill you (see above) and cause a life-long pain due to shunning, etc.
I guess I was thick-headed. For me...that was the 'straw that broke the camel's back."
btw, despite such fine attractive seeds the elders tried to plant that day...no 'new' JW's were made.
compound complex
Dear Rabbit,
I wish it could have been different for you...so sorry about that abusive and callous use of an ad op. I used to think it was just another opportunity to plant a seed for "The Truth." No eulogizing, emotions keeping within officially-allowed parameters, no attending a "worldly" funeral, no doing this, no doing that....Now I know why something always seemed so wrong---the package was too perfectly wrapped, the deal was far too slick. Long gone are heartfelt spontaneity, the simplicity of the real Good News. Like so many here, I can never go back. There is no comfort coming from the platform, especially at memorial services. Again, condolences and sympathy.
Yours truly,
I hardily think that it's so near because the Bible says that every nation will hear of Christ before the second coming. I don't think we've reached that point by a long shot.
During a meeting of the "Servant Body" the PO said that the Governing Body was under angelic direction and that right before Armageddon an angel could visit Brooklyn and give them details on how to survive which they would pass on to the congregations.
We all ooohhhhdd and aaaaaahhhhhdddd this prophetic enlightenment from one of the exalted.
I now know it is all bullshit.