After hearing various (superficial) proofs for bible tales, justifications for various bible teachings, the immediate invisibility of god and questionable evidence of his existence, the ever present 'immmanent armageddon', the past six or so thousand years of human suffering and apparent abandonment by god, I am left wondering a pretty simple question that I don't think I've actually heard anyone ask let alone try to answer—What was god's purpose in creating 'Adam and Eve' anyway? Are we like pets that are being disciplined over the previous six thousand years? Or simply under the care of a delinquent owner?
God's purpose? ...Anyone?
by Aequitus 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Aequitus, and welcome to the forum
I don't personally believe in god these days, but suspect I would have found your question difficult when I did believe. The Genesis account says this regarding mans' creation
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground
It doesn't tell us much, does it? It just seems that god wanted someone like him on the earth, and made man almost on a whim, because he could. If god does exist, which I seriously doubt, he didn't explain much as to why he created man at all.
I don't really know either. I do enjoy many days of my life, but I know there is so much suffering all around the earth....and I am one of the "lucky"ones. I feel like God wouldn't have wanted people to be in these kinds of conditions, but I don't know exactly how he could let people suffer so much.
I guess that is why I try to have faith that whatever awaits us in the afterlife makes up for this life. Wish I knew the answer though.
What impetus would we have to evolve, if the world wasn't the way it is?
Before you think that comment harsh, ponder the fact that this is the only scenario available if there is no God. In that context, is it then so unthinkable that it might be the "purpose" if there is a God?
I havnt really put much thought into it, but I dont think God meant for us to have human suffering. I feel that alot of the suffering out there is caused by man and their decisions and not God. When I drive down the streets of Vancouver, I look at all the drug attics and or bums living on the street and i really feel bad and sorry for them. Was it Gods intention for them to live like that? Or whose decision was it to try drugs? Of course, sometimes its not always that persons fault, maybe their parents were attics while having a child etc. This is only one example, but I feel all the suffering around the world has to do with mans decision and not Gods.
(Re: fullofdoubtnow) I don't believe in the biblical god, but over the past months (since some JWs came to my door) I sincerely wanted to understand why some people do. The more I look into it, the more my disbelief is substantiated. (Re: LittleToe) From what I have heard from other posts, since Adam and Eve, with people living to be hundreds of years old, I was told that mankind was steadily deviating from the genetically 'perfect' model of Adam and Eve... From a political perspective, the progress seems scattered. (Re: Matt_fs) If god didn't mean for us to suffer, it raises serious questions about why he has apparently abondoned his project for thousands of years.
I agree with you that if god did create man, he didn't mean for us to suffer. We were supposedly created with free will, and permission to use it as we saw fit. However, if he had the ability to create us, then he has the ability to put an end to sufferring, but chooses not to, which makes it difficult for me to accept he is truly a god of love. I certainly don't accept the jws theory that this is some kind of test to see if man will serve god out of choice.
So what was his purpose in creating man? Is allowing human sufferring part of it? If he does exist, and did create us, it certainly seems that way to me.
Wasanelder Once
If a God, perhaps a purpose.
If not God, perhaps a porpoise?
Not too sure if he abandoned his project. I thought all the prophecies have to come about first as Jesus told us before he ends it all.
But again, it has to do with our choice, for example, if I want to run around and have sex with multiple partners and then get a disease, who should I blame? Then when i get married and give that disease to my wife, who then gives birth to a child and passes along the same disease to the infant. I would almost consider that human suffering, and who started the mess? I started it when I know I should have listened to the bible and not had sex before marriage. I know most human suffering does not come from the example I gave, but i think it all boils down to the choices we make, or the choices our governments make for us (greed, power). Guess we have to wait and see what God does.
Most all of human suffering is unnecessary and caused by actions of other humans. Accusing the deity is a cop out!