Go see Happy Feet! It's not just for kids. It's really cute.
Happy Feet
by becca1 17 Replies latest social entertainment
We liked it too but there are some scary, dark moments.
It looks adorable.
Hubbie and I did feel though that ex-JWs might see a WTS theme of requiring unified thinking/behavior and df'ing.
I thought the same Blondie.
Felt same way about it too. Disfellowshiped penguin.
Madame Quixote
It really is a great movie for both kids and adults, but it did have some scary spots. You know, Steve Irwin is the voice of one of the Aussie-accented elephant seals? It's exactly the kind of movie you would imagine him wanting to participate in.
My daughter and a bunch of her friends went to see it as part of her 19th birthday party; one of her friends who knows she loves penguins gave her a beautiful, large Emperor penguin, which she brought into the theatre with her!
I thought Happy Feet was wonderful, especially the fabulous chase scenes.
I thought I would dislike it from the beginning because I tend to find musicals annoying, but this was absolutely gorgeous and precious in every respect, musically and visually.
I hope it helps people become more aware, concerned, and active regarding over-fishing, pollution, and population.
Disfellowshiped penguin.
OK, now don't spoil it for us, but does the df'd penquin pull a RichieRich, and bring the hammer down on the totalitarian penguins?
I didn't realise this thread is about a new movie until I read the posts.
I thought it was about the Happy Feet of all who had escaped out of the JW's.
My younger bro/sis saw it and they really liked it.
Penguins are so adorable, I love the way they walk, and how they fly out of the water just like dolphins.
No Honesty, happy feet are the feet of the auxillary pioneer, happy feet spreading happy news! Violent destruction and annihilation is near....What joy!