I went to see someone in my old Hall last night, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. She's only in her late 40s, healthy, so this was a shock when I found out about it the other night. Apparently it's gone in to her liver and her doctor has not given her any hope of surviving it, although they're going for a second opinion, as the doctors in our area are notoriously incompetent.
Even though I stopped going to the meeting 2 years ago, I thought going to see her was the human thing to do, since she studied with me when I was 15 years old and I thought it would maybe be comforting for her to talk to someone else who had had cancer. I got there and there was another couple from the Hall there (an elder and his wife). They were all laughing and joking as though this was just another get-together and her husband was bragging about how many "contacts" he had with the HLC (as if that makes any damn difference when you've got metestes in your liver) and they simply said that they're "leaving it in Jehovah's hand" and would like to "continue to pioneer".
I found the entire conversation surreal. I sure as hell never felt like laughing or joking when I was diagnosed and I was actually quite shocked when she said "...well, if I don't make it, I'll see you on the other side [of Armageddon]. Her husband was adament that Armageddon will "probably be here" before it came to that anyway. I realize that they may still be in shock and are trying desperately to convince themselves that they're not going to have to really face death, but I found the attitude in the room just so bizarre I can't even really describe it. Everything was still about "the Truth, the Truth, the Truth!" and being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, a minor inconvenience. I thought "..I haven't been gone that long."
Is this a normal reaction amongst Witnesses as opposed to the general population? This sister and her husband have always been self-righteous but I was still stunned at the easy-going way they seemed to be dealing with it.........your thoughts?