Just attended a SAD program on Saturday...........................
by enlightenedcynic 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Sorry about that, hit enter by mistake! Anyhow, as usual just another load of boring rubbish. More and more emphasis on the evils of the internet and how it must be avoided by "spiritually strong" witnesses. Only 6 people were baptized and the whole auditorium just had an overall "dead" feeling!! Had to go because of family, but oh how I hated every waking moment I was there.
ec -
Oh.....how could I forget to tell you about this one brother who was talking about, of course, the dangers of the internet and who came up with this analogy.....when a person is surfing online they have to use a mouse to point and click, well what is a close relative to a mouse....yes, a RAT and what do rats like? Yes...GARBAGE! So be careful when you go online that your rodent friend doesn't take you to some garbage.(In my mind I was like yeah, garbage like the official WTS website).
ec -
Oh what a clever analogy.........Hahaha....NOT I am sorry you had to sit through this.....Were you able to get a couple lil naps in while "reading" your bible that was in your lap?
Anyhow, as usual just another load of boring rubbish
Negativity is what the organisation is all about.
Since they believe that Satan has power over everything on the planet......except for them.....it's easy to understand just why they demonize anything not coming from them. They feel they must name every sin as if a good christian cannot differentiate what is good and what is bad........just like any other cult does.
Lady Lee
Well if you have to go the next time make it a productive experience. Take notes. Take lots of notes.
The family might think you are really getting something out of it. But. . .
unknown to them along with your copious note-taking make sure to pick out the fallacies, the fear and guilt-inducing words and phrases. Do a bit of research ahead of time on mind control techniques and look for them. It could be interesting to see how many times they use these words and phrases in a half-hour talk. At least what they say won't sit in your brain and you will be actively countering it with by seeing through it.
More and more emphasis on the evils of the internet and how it must be avoided by "spiritually strong" witnesses.
I'm amazed they haven't come up with a host of health problems experienced by those who use the internet: carpel tunnel syndrome, glazed eyes, etc. I remember when disco was in vogue in the late 1970s, they warned everyone that you could get skin cancer from the disco lights.
What does SAD mean?
LMAO at the rat analogy!! How pathetic.
Well, from my experience anyway, the mouse..............err, rat, doesn't take you anywhere by itself. You have to make it go there.
Very good points, Lady Lee.