Scientology, L Ron hubbard's son speaks, Occult

by wednesday 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wednesday

    I ran across this article on the net. It is an older issue of penthouse, (83) and has an interview with the son of Ron L. Hubbard. He talks about his father, how Scientology got started and what happened behind the scenes. If you have never read this, you will be so shocked. I knew Scientology was a load of, well you know, but wow this goes even further than that.

    I see JW"S have borrowed some of their tactics. Not all of them (by any means) but if you read the entire article, you will see some similarites.. Also I find it interesting that Alistair Crowley, the lunatic who was involved with the Golden Dawn movement (an occult org. originating in Europe) and wrote a bunch of occult books, well he would have been more or less a contemporary of C.T. Russell. I can see how Russell, with the prevailing influences of that time, started a religion that had occult trappings.

    What was the name of the magazine that became the Awake? Didn't it have dawn, or golden or some such words in it?

  • dvw

    i think it was the "golden shower" or some such thing. seriously, was it the "millenial dawn"? or "golden age"?

  • jayhawk1

    Russell named his group "Millennial Dawn Bible Study."

    From 1919 to 1937 Awake was know as The Golden Age.

    So how was the pictorials in that Penthouse?

  • BabaYaga

    Wow. Horrifying read. Who knows how much was sensationalism, but from quite a few other things I've read on the subject, it's absolutely believable. Thanks for the post.


  • free2beme

    Anytime you have someone start or spin off a major religion, you will have common traits.

  • bernadette

    eerily similar. Can see why getting out of these types of cults is so difficult and is such a long process. Rape of the soul was how he put it

  • Woodsman

    Mind control is accomplished using specificmethods that are well known. They are even in the Merck Medical Manual. Try reading it and you will feel like the JWs used it as their guide. Point is all cults seem freakishly similiar for this reason. The occult as it is called goes back to the earliest of times. Golden age, golden dawn, dawn age and other such sayings go back at least to the Egyptians.

    Many things associated with the Occult are not really bad in my opinion. While the worlds religions teach that mankind is pitiful and needs God to be fulfilled and made whole or whatever many so called Occultists teach that mankind is actually God or at least godlike and should seek to develope its skills through knowledge. In many ways the battle between the occult and the worlds religions comes down to one of seeking knowledge to grow or waiting for God to give you knowledge to grow.

    Not all knowledge is helpful and some occultists have gotten invloved in things that are harmful. The same can be said of religions.

    Conversely there are many from the occult who have made positive contributions to the human race. The same is true of the worlds religions.

  • wednesday

    lol I was not reading the penthouse. I was doing a search and the interview came up. It is an 1983 issue, per the top of the page.

    I thought it was an excellent interview. We have of course learned some interesting things about scientology thanks to Southpark and Tom Cruise.

    I can't believe i actually thought about reading one of his books years ago. But after listening to his son talk about it, seems he was one of the first to write what is called pop psychology.

    I sort of agree with the poster about the occult, some of the things things labeled occult are rather interesting and not bad.. What i found very interesting was the name of the "Awake," and its possible beginnings. Many have suspected Russell of having occult trappings in the literature and his life. I have only recently learned about the Golden Dawn society due to some spiritual studies.

    It was definitely worht reading, hope more can read it.


  • sass_my_frass

    Yep, I'm convinced that our lives could be a lot worse; we could be recovering scientologists. That article gave me the creeps, I couldn't get halfway through.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    wow! you can totally tell from the secondary interview with the president of scientology that at the time of printing, L. Ron Hubbard was dead. if you have to prove letters with carbon this and fingerprint that... come on!

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