I ran across this article on the net. It is an older issue of penthouse, (83) and has an interview with the son of Ron L. Hubbard. He talks about his father, how Scientology got started and what happened behind the scenes. If you have never read this, you will be so shocked. I knew Scientology was a load of, well you know, but wow this goes even further than that.
I see JW"S have borrowed some of their tactics. Not all of them (by any means) but if you read the entire article, you will see some similarites.. Also I find it interesting that Alistair Crowley, the lunatic who was involved with the Golden Dawn movement (an occult org. originating in Europe) and wrote a bunch of occult books, well he would have been more or less a contemporary of C.T. Russell. I can see how Russell, with the prevailing influences of that time, started a religion that had occult trappings.
What was the name of the magazine that became the Awake? Didn't it have dawn, or golden or some such words in it?