If you have a link to a good brining process, or could post your brining recipe.
It's basically 1 cup salt to 1 gallon of water. Throw in a chopped up onion, a little garlic and your favorite herbs too if you like. I put the thawed turkey in a couple kitchen sized trash bags for brining and then place it in a camp cooler with some ice for overnight. With the turkey in the bags you can push the air out and twist-tie it closed, this surrounds the turkey with liquid using much less. Next day when you remove the turkey from the brine, rinse it and dry it very, very well, inside and out. Then you rub oil and herbs all over it (NO SALT), again inside and out.
One more thing...we just bought a convection oven this week. I have never cooked with a convection oven, but I know that convection ovens cook faster. Will Chef Marc's method still work OK?
Check the link to Chef Marc's site. You will find under "Other Features" -- "time and weight charts" where he gives you instructions for a conventional and convection ovens.
I suggest everyone read and follow the instructions carefully.
Please add your results to the thread.