How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    He's on the phone now, telling me how dishonest it is to carry on like this. He wants to open up to her about the TRUTH but cannot and wants her to be free of the tyranny of the Society. I'm typing with one finger. More later ...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    What is he going to do now? He wants the story to be told but who's going to listen?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    The best advice I can give him is to be patient and loving, given the death-like grip the Society continues to maintain.

    He feels prayer is the answer ...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I am grateful that someone has listened. My friend fears that he is about to be ratted out.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Coco, Its funny you refer to a dislike of too much noise and too many people. (I am assuming)

    I developed this fear after my last few assemblies.....Too many people, too crowded, too uncomfortable.

    I had to go sit out side in a Black dress in 100 degree plus heat for 3 hours on the last day for the last talk. ....

    I have to have breathing room at all costs.


    Does that make us HERMITS?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Minimus,

    I hope all's well with you and yours. My name is CoCo and I've just discovered this delightful thread. Having turned on my PC a bit after 5:00 a.m., I have a strong sensation that I will be here more and more. Are you new to JWD? I'd be interested to know.


  • compound complex
    compound complex
    FreeChick wrote: The day after I found the board, I called in sick so I could sit here and read everyone's experiences. (ssshhhh don't tell the boss)

    LOL - I remember that compulsion. I just could not leave. Three nights in a row I was up until 4 or 5 in the morning. I called in 'sick' one day, too. I really was sick. I had just learned that I had been part of cult that rode the wild beast. So many images from WTS literature was going through my head; it was just impossible to leave until my brain calmed down a little.

    I was also just so enthralled with everyone's stories. And I actually *got* many of the jokes and play on 'theocratic' words. I really felt like I was with people who understood me maybe even better than I understood myself.

    I still spend waaayyy too much time - but not near as much as I did those first 3 weeks or the first year. I even skipped a few days when I was on vacation and then one or two since I've been back.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Detective, from 18 January 2007:

    I used to read and post several times a day. Now that my job has changed a bit I don't check throughout the day any longer. Of course, I don't post in the evenings anymore either. Mostly because I don't want my beloved to happen upon my involvement here.

    I think I really, really needed this site for awhile in a way that I don't need it now. However, I am forever grateful that I found this place.

    Since my beloved left the witnesses, I don't have as much of an emotional desperation to be here as I did before. However, should his long lost parents resurface to love him again or should something dramatic happen in his life that makes him want to run back to the dubs- I know I could find comfort here.


    Yes, Detective, the comfort will always be here.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Since that "incident" several years ago, I have been unable to rise from my bed without someone's helping me. This bitter reality of helplessness very often overwhelms me, not infrequently to the point of tears. Mary and Jo are such sweethearts to visit me every day and offer whatever help they can. It's mostly their company that I crave. They always bring some treat. Books too. I love books and never even bother to turn on the TV. My landlady kindly had cable put it, thinking it a means to keep me entertained and, well, to get my mind off ...

    I hate "going there," as they so commonly say. Can't we just use standard English? Dwelling about what happened does me no good, no good at all. Then, please, someone - tell me how to turn off the nightmare of events running over and over again through my tired brain. The trite but still painful question that everyone asks - they think I'm out of earshot, but I'm not - is "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Don't get me wrong, their outpouring of love and sympathy has been my salvation. Of course, I'm disabled FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE ... but I survived.

    I need far more than momentary distraction to escape "survivor's guilt." At least, in my literary travels, I am able to let my imagination have free rein. I see myself traveling many miles to reunite with my family after so many years apart. When I step off the train, my son and my husband are smiling as I step down to greet them. My son's little arms reach up to me ... Then the loves of my life vanish before me.

    I said I didn't want to go there.

    Where is the night nurse? She's late.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    From 23 February 2007:

    Dear Diary,

    Talking with an elderly neighbor today reminded me of something I had read earlier by Dr. WAC : HOW TO START LIVING AND STOP WORRYING - EXCERPTS BY DR. WAC []. Thomas Carlyle is quoted as having said, "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand." My neighbor worked for an international enterprise, and while not hired specifically as an "efficiency expert" or "method[s] engineer" [I believe there is a newer title], he was often contracted to clear up muddles.
    There was an instance of a huge parts inventory that could not be properly utilized due to "mismatched" description-to-parts inventory listings. He devised a simple method that got everything in stock out in the open and identifiable. No matter the "description" [brand- name confusion], the employees recognized instantly that there, in front of them, were all the parts - save a tiny number missing - that they had ever needed. He explained that the highly educated ones were often in a state of panic over glitches. He knew, however, that it was simply a matter of taking the time to CALMLY AND QUIETLY analyze the problem, then seek the solution.
    Well, anyway - the conversation reminded me of the article and the need to concentrate your intelligence and enthusiasm on doing today's work superbly. Later - how I put together a home and garden store in a similar manner.


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