Yea for them to actually bring light to it means that it's already a hot topic and most likely a hot topic at Bethel. It'll be interesting to see if news outlets start to run this story more. It's already picking up steam.
Child Abuse must be getting out of hand if they're addressing it...
by thedepressedsoul 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Searcher
The Org can denounce the media until they are blue in the face - but they can't deny the mi££ion$ they've already paid to victims in out-of-court settlements via Confidentiality Agreements!
Why don't Witnesses ask their Elders to get either a confirmation or a denial about this from their Branch Office?
The proof is on the Internet!
Searcher the damage is done and is continuing to happen. They'll just be playing damage control and the blame game for awhile now.
I always like Lett, I though he was the most down to earth one. That video showed me a very different side.
This is probably the one and only issue that might give me some leverage with the wife. I fully intend on showing her this from (she is getting a tablet soon) and ask her this question: if it is not an issue, why are they talking about it? -
"Scoots McGoots not if there isn't a mandatory state law that requires the WT to hand individuals over to authorities!...and that LOGIC is really dumbfounded😕"
"Rachel Robbins so is the organization to blame for your child being molested?"
"You still can't blame in entire organization for the actions of individuals toward's not about justice for these people it's about money...that's why when they get it they quickly shut up! In almost every case once the organization decides to settle...You nearly NEVER hear anything else about the case or the person involved...especially not publicly"
Holy crap! People in this religion are heartless! All off of FB!
The other piece is probably also related to the impending gay rights, but that may take longer. I've seen articles online arguing over matters of tax exemptions. Many argue that there is no way the government can take their tax status away because of their religious practices, others argue the government can only allow the practices but does not have to support them by mean of financial incentives, specially if such practices are discriminatory in the eye of the law. I happen to agree with the second opinion. Just like any other non-profit, if you discriminate, the government does not have to support you
Mene, Mene, Teqel, Upharsin
some who have been prominent in Jehovah's organization have succumbed to immoral practices, including homosexuality, wife swapping, and child molesting (WT 1/1/86 p13)
What I find disturbing about this quote is that it seems not to make a distinction between homosexuality, wife swapping (both consensual) and child molesting (non-consensual, illegal).
I also wonder whether it might be worthwhile for someone to ring Bethel HQ, quote this Watchtower, and ask if all those JWs found guilty of molesting children were reported to the police.
I'm referring to the video that was uploaded where they finally mentioned the child abuse issue.
Sorry, is there a link? Is it a standalone video, or just a segment of a longer one?
As several have mentioned, the WTBTS, does not need to lie, they could put an end to this immediately, by showing responsibility for the children in their congregations. They could immediately stop the crap about two witnesses.
They could instruct the elders this weekend, "Don't call the legal department until you have contacted the police". In this day and age with forensic science, special investigators within the police departments that know the behavior of sexual predators, the two witness rule from Leviticus? is obsolete, and further, there is rarely a second witness in child abuse, that' s how predators roll.
I had read an article about The Boy Scouts and they turned their organization around within two years, and now they are considered an exemplary organization with more than adequate controls to protect the children. What is so hard about this folks???? Nothing, but with WTBTS, their arrogance will be their demise.
Interesting that some are commenting about "New Light" that will abolish the two witness rule, and when they do, they will never admit to changing it because they were wrong and the critics were correct. They will just continue to bash the "apostates".