It's a small world

by Why Georgia 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pahpa

    Why Georgia

    I don't think you realize that the one being hurt the most by the stress is yourself. If you continually feed upon the bitterness and hatred you are the one who suffers the most. It is not the Jehovah's Witness who called upon you since he has already probably forgotten the experience...or has remembered it only as a story to share with other JWs to reinforce their belief that they are God's chosen.

    On the other hand, kindness and compassion are always good qualities to cultivate. Put yourself in that JW's shoes. Would you have taken time out of your schedule to warn a neighbor of impending danger? Would you sacrifice time and money by sharing what you think important with others by calling on strangers' doors? This is what Jehovah's Witnesses are doing whether you agree with them or not.

    If you are still annoyed by their behavior, have you thought of putting a small sign on your door requesting that Jehovah's Witnesses not call? There are ways to handle these matters without the anger and hatred.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia


    You are obviously extremely uninformed about my situation.

    I've written letters to the legal department, there is no reason for them to come to my home.

    It is posted on my home that there is to be no Religious Solicitation.

    I'm sorry that you think that the bible excuses Jehovahs Witnesses from following the law of my city, state, and country.

    I have a right not to be bothered in my home and property and I have a right to defend my husband, children, and property from dangerous cultists. These people may be pedophiles, and I wouldn't know because the people at the KH protect their own.

    I don't want them anywhere near us.

    I would be kind to someone who respected my rights and didn't tresspass. These people have no manners and think they are above the law. We are a do not call, do not come by, do not send mail ever. These are lawbreakers, I don't have to be nice to them. They are lucky I didn't shoo them off my property with a shotgun.


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia


    Thank you for the Congrats! I really like the company I am working for, and the benefits are fabulous. Also, I have worked so hard on my auction business for the last 7 years. I will only have to work about half the hours, to make more money.

    That is extra great! I can just be home and enjoy the boys, my husband and dogs...and not be working online.

    Work and home shall be separate realms again.

    I think it will be good for our family.

    Best Regards,


  • misanthropic

    ::You would think he would have recognized me from our last conversation over a year ago, when I threatened to feed his balls to Cleo (my German Shepherd) if he ever stepped back on our property.

    OMG LMAO!!!!!!!!
    Okay now what I wanted to say is, that was very cool you were persistent and able to help that poor girl. It sucks they feel the need to play mind games with children, so sad.

  • Pahpa

    Why Georgia

    Actually, it is the city, state and federal laws that allow JWs the access to houses in your community. Unless it is a privately owned community such as gated parks and condos, JWs have the legal right to approach any door and talk with the householder. Of course, if you have made it clear that you don't want them it is unreasonable (and rather stupid) for JWs to call and annoy you. The Bible does say that Christians should "obey Ceasar." But until you get an injunction against Jehovah's Witnesses and notify the elders of this legal action they will not be breaking any laws.

    No, I don't know your circumstances. But I do sense that your frustration and anger are wasted energies that could be channelled into more constructive ways. Many XJWs are dealing with far more serious problems with the Watchtower organization than an occasional JW coming to the door. They have been painfully separated from loved ones including close family members. They are shunned and ostracized. They live with the daily pain of this experience.

  • zev

    Why Georgia,

    I should have you come over to my house in central falls and take care of this jw lady thats been pestering me from Lincoln congregation.

    sounds like you can do what i just cannot seem to do......get them to go away!

  • Effervescent

    Congrats on the awesome new job! I know what you mean about the seperation of home/work. I started working from home about 2 years ago and it's really hard. On top of having to juggle your entire life around bringing in income, people just assume you have all day on your hands because you don't leave the house to work. Sometimes I feel like I have to carry my business license around with me to prove I'm really busy when I say I am.

    Thank goodness you are able to be there for a kindred soul in pain! That's some kismet there!

    You have every right to be frustrated with people who have no respect for your personal space and wishes. I'm not sure how many times you have to tell them to stay away short of getting a restraining order? These people are abusive and should be kept as far away as possible. A little righteous anger when it comes to protecting your family is entirely appropriate!

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