How do you feel about piercings?

by RichieRich 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    While I definitely respect that others have opinions about this, I do not feel that I have personally "mutilated" my body in any way. I believe my piercings are quite tasteful and classy, and furthermore I work for a corporation and my manager has barely even noticed my nose piercing.

    My nose has a tiny sparkly stud:

    My belly:


  • Mysterious
    If people want to mutilate themselves, it's their business. However they should be prepared for consequences of their actions. That includes being negatively perceived by old fogies in positions of authority, such as managers and police. Those perceptions could make life more difficult.
    1: to cut up or alter radically so as to make imperfect <the child mutilated the book with his scissors>
    2: to cut off or permanently destroy a limb or essential part of

    I'm sorry but piercings are hardly mutilation. To label them as such is an attempt to cause an innappropriate emotional reaction. Personally I work in customer service and have had old people crack numerous jokes about my piercings and those of my coworkers (more nails in your face than a 2x4 is my favorite to date) but not react ultimately negatively. I had no trouble getting a job with them and in fact I was recently promoted to manager at work and none of the upper management has an issue with me.

    For the record:
    Lobes: x2 8g, x3 14g
    18g Helix Cartilage
    x2 14g lip (snakebite)
    14g eyebrow

  • blondie

    On you fine; on me no way...though I have pierced ears. I drew the line at a nose ring...looks too much like a greenie.

    Be careful, go to a reputable piercer, and take care of it until it heals.

    Blondie (endures needles to give blood and stay healthy)

  • Mysterious

    Yes blondie makes an important point about aftercare. Please anyone with piercings, even earlobes, take care of them properly: (Association of Professional Piercers aftercare instructions). Don't use peroxide, table salt, or that "antiseptic" crap they give you at mall kiosks and for goodness sake read about the dangers of ear guns before you get pierced with them (transfer of body fluids, sterilization issues, tissue trauma, lack of training of users). There can also be complications from piercings that are well taken care of so keep an eye on it and go back to your piercer if you have any problems. Make sure you get full aftercare instructions from them particularly if it is a first piercing and a contact number if you have questions later.

  • free2beme

    Nothing against it at all. Although in some professional environments, it might be good to second guess where you are going to get pierced. Most creepy place to see piercing though, would be in the clit or penis. All I can say it OUCH! Plus, if you were with someone and you looked down there before sex and saw that, wouldn't it make you think, "If you decorating it, it might be a little to used or advertised."

  • lisavegas420

    I was expecting to open this thread to a picture of Ritchie's piercings..I can't believed he asked FIRST. lol

    I like peircings like I like tattoo...they look fine on some people ...


  • fokyc

    I think you can go too far!!


  • lonelysheep

    Thanks, fokyc--Yes, you can go too far!

    I do like them, though. As I've said before, I used to have my tongue pierced. If I wasn't in a corporate setting, I still would. I would have my eyebrows done, too. Then you'd see the REAL me.

  • Ellie

    RWAGONER - I really like yur tattoo, that is so cool, how did you have it done?

  • serendipity

    What motivates people to have their tongues, eyebrows or scrotums pierced? Are the motives healthy?

    A few years back, my daughter asked if she could have her navel pierced. I asked her why she wanted to do so. She said it looked cool and it was a popular thing to do. Her reasons aren't good enough in my opinion. The risk/reward ratio is skewed too highly toward health risks. I told her she could do so when she was able to pay her own medical bills.

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