Oh that is so dumb try curing being white, black, asian, indian, etc. One day they will get over it as gays have been here for thousands of years and will continue to be here. It is a part of nature. So let them get over it.
Takes a long time to cure homosexuality
by Norm 26 Replies latest jw friends
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
What exactly is the disease again?
Thats to say----> shock the hell out of him.Train him like Pavlov's dog
I know that this is said in jest, but in the forties and fifties they didn't try to re-program you, they sent you to a mental institution where they used electric shock treatments to try to cure you of your homosexuality. This was a horrible period of time before stonewall, and before psychologists realized that it was like trying to cure left-handedness.
This would be like trying to cure being a male and knowing you are male. You know? Changing you into feeling like a female. Or knowing in your mind and heart and soul that you are human and not canine or feline and it taking five years to cure you. It's late. I hope I am making at least a little sense.
You can't help who you are attracted to or who you fall in love with.
Well, the guy was, ahem, able to father five children with his wife, so I don't think he's gay. I think he's bisexual. People often forget that many, many people are attracted to both sexes. I don't think there's a "cure" for that either. That's just how some people are wired! They don't need to be fixed, just allowed to live life in peace.
The problem Virgo is that he is a gay-basher and would stand up on his pulpit and condemn them. His position was that gay unions should not be recognized, as well as some other narrow minded ideas that he promoted. The issue is not that he is gay or bi or whatever. The issue is the fact that he is a liar and was condemning the conduct he was participating in as sinful and one for which a person should die in god's disfavor. He was the face of the church. He was being groomed for amazing things w/i their church, including possible political office. Now, he will be doing well if he is able to live in the manner he has become accustomed.
The problem Virgo is that he is a gay-basher and would stand up on his pulpit and condemn them.
He that doth protest the loudest. I belive a lot more people are somewhat bi sexual than are 100 % straight or 100% gay. These religious folks have been taught since babyhood that it's evil to be attracted to your same sex. They fear displeasing the big father/god. They fear being judged and eternally condemned. They fear rejection if anyone finds out they are even slightly attracted to the same gender. So they repress their own feelings. They agonize over their own bi or gay feelings. They loudly condemn homosexuals. Very, very, very sad.