Message I got on myspace from a JW

by crazyblondeb 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazyblondeb

    I got the following message from someone I used to know, on myspace. He lived down the road from my family. He's still a JW. He's dad was a pompous asshole elder. In my profile on myspace, I have told about what my stepdad did to me. Here's what he said:

    Date:Nov 23 2006 10:45 AM Flag spam/abuse [ ? ]
    Subject:get over it
    Body:Don't blame Jehovah's Witnesses on your fucked up childhood. If you were molested, sorry for that, but to blame the witnesses for that is just your sorry ass looking for a cop out, so get over it and move on. Just because there are bad Jehovah's Witnesses, doesn't make everyone who is one messed up in the head. There is no conspiracy theory going on, they are not a cult taking control of peoples minds, that's just you when your not on your meds. As far as you missing out on hanging out with certain kids growing up, boo hoo. All the kids I was kept from hanging out with are now dead, drug addicts or losers who cheat on their spouses and convince themselves they are a great person, yeah, I missed out alright.

    here's his address, if you want to leave him a comment!! His name is Jason. His ID on myspace is thepunisher74

  • kwintestal
    Invalid Friend ID.
    This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted.

    Aw, too bad otherwise I'd leave him a good one. What kind of a JW says "fucked" anyway? What an ass.


  • Sam87

    damnit, his address doesnt work! oh well... thats what i dont get with myspace, theres alot of active JWs on there, ive been on it recently trying to tell them the real truth, but they dont listen even if you can prove them wrong!

  • purplesofa

    What a LOSER.

  • crazyblondeb

    Sorry that link didn't work. Try this: His name is Jason.

  • crazyblondeb

    Sorry that link didn't work. Try this: His name is Jason.

  • sass_my_frass

    Invalid Friend ID.
    This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted.

    Big brave JW got scared away...

  • sass_my_frass

    Ick, he's just as fake as half the JW guys I met. Don't let him bother you, he'll get what he deserves from life.

  • kwintestal

    Shoot, did you know you had to be a "friend" to post a comment about someone. Shoot. I'm in a mood too, I was ready to go off. Maybe crazyblondeb you could pass on to him that I think he's an ass. Thanks lots! Moi!


  • Abandoned


    What a jerk. I think it's cool that you are able to list your history and move on from what you went through. That comment is a great example of how warped and brainwashed the faithful are. If you disagree with someone, don't you either try to find common ground or just not hang out with that person? I know I do. But this person feels so threatened by you standing up to what you went through that he has to attack you. The fact that they feel so threatened just because someone doesn't believe the same way they do belies some pretty deep-seated emotional issues. I know because I have a crapload myself and am finally getting the attention I need to heal and move on.

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