Eduardo said: an amicus brief, friend of the court, brief is not a DEFENSE of the parties or an ADVOCATE of the parties' claims, and it may not even address any of the claims or issues that the parties involved have raised in their own pleadings. Thus it is entirely incorrect to say that the WTS came to the defense of Swaggart ministries or in any way had anything to do with Swaggart ministries.
Eduardo what on earth have you been smoking today? First you try saying that Gumby's post doesn't constitute a contradiction and now you're trying to say that the WTS didn't really do anything wrong when they filed the ""friend of the court" brief?
"... a phrase that literally means "friend of the court" -- someone who is not a party to the litigation, but who believes that the court's decision may affect its interest." William H. Rehnquist, The Supreme Court, page 89.
The very fact that the WTS would file anything that might help a member of 'Babylon the Great' is hypocrisy at it's finest, seeing as a brother in the congregation isn't even allowed to paint, do electrical work or do repairs inside another church. Why not? Because the GB has deemed that that would be 'supporting false religion aka Babylon the Great'. So once again, here's a wonderful contradiction or double standards: The WTS can file a "friend of the court" for the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, but what if a brother was called upon to do repair work inside one of Jimmy Swaggart's churches? He'd be told he can't. Let his family go hungry instead. Their filing this brief is no damn different than when they got the Library Card from the UN. Or are you going to try and defend that too?