I hope you are better soon, Linda! And you too, Trev!! It's nice that you are there taking care of her!!
by dedpoet 36 Replies latest jw friends
I hope you are better soon, Linda! And you too, Trev!! It's nice that you are there taking care of her!!
The poor girl is run down with all the stress she has had recently.
Its her bodys way of forcing her to go to bed.
Get well soon, lovely.
Please give Linda our best. We'll sure miss her.
Thanks again everybody, I told Linda you are all thinking of her.
She has managed to eat a couple of small meals, with encouragement from me, but is feeling very rough at the moment. She will be staying in bed tomorrow and probably Sunday, she was saying it usually takes at least 3 days before she starts to feel better whenever she has flu. Our dog seems to have decided he's going to give her some tlc as well - he's been lying at the side of the bed all day, apart from when I took him out and when he ate his food.
She has gone back to sleep again now, and I won't disturb, I'll be on hand if she needs anything. She is missing you all and sends her love.
I send my love Linda and hope you're up and about soon!
Hugs, Juni
If your doggie is lying next to Linda so close, I know she's really sick. They always sense it, and snuggle close to give you extra warmth and "moral" support. They are such loving creatures, it is their way.
Chicken soup (homemade is best) is the thing, and as much liquids as she can tolerate, orange juice, cranberry juice, along with plain old water. Get those antioxidents into her system, they'll help her immune system in its battle against that nasty virus. Seems drugs in your country are called by different names than here in the U.S. I found that plain old aspirin worked best for me, reducing fever, aches and pains in the joints and headache. I had a bad bout of the flu in 196-something (another poster mentioned getting sick at the same time, I believe it was a global epidemic), I was in high school and got the Hong Kong flu, I think it was called, and was so sick I thought it would be better to die - flat on my back for 4 days at least, and isolated as best we could from the rest of my family - they tucked me up on the sofa in the "front room" and draped sheets across the doorway into the other "living room" to keep me apart from the rest of the house, and no one but my mother was allowed in, but the smell of food cooking in the kitchen made me gag. Dry heaves are the worst! Throwing up when there's nothing left in you to throw up. Super Yech. I don't think I moved off that couch for a week, never even had to go pee, that was REALLY a bad sign, I'm sure :) And I swear I was growing a second brain, my head hurt so much. Crazy dreams too, during this period I had my first "reincarnation" dream, I saw myself dying in a volcanic eruption as a Grecian priestess. Well! Had another go-round in the mid 70's with the Swine Flu I think that was called, and then I REALLY wanted to die, I was so miserable, to this day I recall that time with dread. But I do remember dragging myself off the couch to go to the bathroom to pee, which was better than what I'd done back in 196- and I survived then so I figured I would survive again. I was living with a roommate in an apartment by then and didn't have mom to care for me. Sigh. I was camped out on the sofa because the one t.v. we owned was in the "living room" - that was before the time people had a t.v. in every room of the house. Since then I've been ill on occasion but never that incapacitated, knock on wood and thank goddess!
Linda, you'll get through this, just take your time recovering and don't try to rush it or push yourself out of bed. When your legs get itchy and your feet start twitching on their own, then you'll know it's time to take a walk-about the room. Then go back to bed for another week and let Trev take care of you.
So sorry you have all been so sick
Dedpoet, I hope you and Linda rest and recuperate and feel better soon.
Oh poor Linda, hope shes better soon, and what a good man you are looking after her like that, best wishes to all of you.
Get well soon, Linda. I'm thinking of you both....